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Well, other than her medication. But one drink wouldn’t hurt, right?

Georgie poured her a glass. “Here you are. Go slow, though. If you’re not used to it, these concoctions of Noah’s can go straight to your head.”

Juliet was drunk.

Not just a bit drunk, but she was headed to completely intoxicated drunk.

Maybe he should have stopped her. He’d considered it. But she’d only had one and a half glasses.

His girl was a lightweight.

And yes, somehow, despite spending half her time giggling over nothing, she’d managed to slaughter everyone else at quiz night. Her team didn’t seem to do much but sit around and chat. While Juliet got every question right.

Damn, she was brilliant. That was sexy as fuck.

Elias stared over at him, wriggling his eyebrows as though to ask whether Brick was seeing the same thing he was.

Brick shrugged.

“And the winners are, Beersal Suspects!”

Kiesha and Isa jumped to their feet, high-fiving. Cleo continued to file her nails although she smiled. The sheriff’s woman was congratulating Juliet.

“Loki’s Warriors are defeated,” the big man across the room cried out. “The defeat is crushing.”

“Told you, Loki,” Kiesha said, shaking her head. “Face it. You’re never going to beat us.”

“I can do it. All I need to do is turn one of your own.” He spun towards Juliet.

Brick stepped forward, moving closer to Juliet. Not happening.

Loki climbed onto his table, then he dropped to one knee. “Marry me, Juliet. Run away with me. We’ll hide in the mountains where Reuben will never find us.”

The room hushed.

And his possessive instincts went into overdrive. Before he could stop himself, it barreled out of him.

“She’s taken,” he boomed into the silence.

Now the whole room was gaping at him as she turned to stare up at him in shock. Okay, maybe he shouldn’t have said that in front of half the town . . . but no, screw it.

“Oh fuck, if Reuben didn’t know before, he will now,” Kiesha said.

“I’m just glad I didn’t spend any time getting to know you,” Cleo added, not bothering to look up from her nails, “since you’re a dead man.”

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