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Brick raised his eyebrows. “Why did you work there, then? It’s not like you need the money.”

Elias groaned. “I give up on the two of you. Idiots.”

How could she explain this to people who had probably never had a day of doubt about themselves in their lives? Who had likely never lain in bed without the energy or will to get out?

Sometimes doing something you hate is better than doing nothing at all.

“Now you have an opportunity to do something you want to do,” Elias said quickly with a smile. But what was the point of another job? What could she even do? Nothing.

She was useless.

Excuse me. I’m full. Thanks for breakfast.

Climbing off the stool, she headed out of the room.


What had just happened? He watched her walk out, shoulders slumped. It was clear she was sad.

He raced after her, found her halfway up the second set of stairs.

“Juliet! Wait!”

She gasped and missed the next step, flying backward. He braced himself, catching her.

“Fuck, baby. Fuck. Are you all right?” He carried her to the landing, setting her down so he could run his hands over her. Once again, she was wearing a black dress that covered her from neck to toes.

When he finished patting her down, he noticed how red she was. “You’re flushed. Are you hot? You should put on something lighter.”

She shook her head, stepping back away from him.

“How did you trip? Is there something wrong with that step?”

Another shake. But he noticed she wasn’t looking at him. Her gaze was on her feet.

“I’m sorry if I said something to hurt you.”

Her head rose and she stared at him.

“Linda always said I had no tact. I was always saying the wrong thing, putting my foot in my mouth.”

She grabbed her phone out and typed something then showed it to him.

It’s not anything you said. I hated that job, but it gave me a push to leave the house. If I don’t have a reason to get up and leave, then I’m worried I’ll stay in this house forever.

He read her words twice, thinking over what to say.

Just say it. Trying to be tactful will give you an ulcer.

She had a cheeky grin on her face.

“Brat.” He let out a breath. “I had these ideas of what you’d be like, and you’re nothing like what I thought.”

You thought I’d be sane and normal? Not looney-tunes?

He frowned. “Putting yourself down isn’t allowed.” Taking hold of her hand, he led her to the stairs. Sitting, he patted the stair next to him. She placed her hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she sat, and at her touch, a thrill of heat raced through him.

He held out his hand and she slid hers into it.

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