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Xavier frowned, wondering at the sudden interest in his mother’s health. Reuben had never gotten along with his parents.

“He took a biopsy.”

“Yeah? You talked to him?”

“Well, no.”

“So you don’t have any proof there is a lump?”

“No,” Xavier answered. “What are you trying to say? That my mother is lying?”

“They want you to move jobs, right? Working at Wishingbone hospital isn’t prestigious enough for a Marson. What better way to get you home than a possible cancer scare?”

“Reuben, that’s ridiculous. This is my mother. Sure, my parents can be pushy, but she wouldn’t fake being ill.”

Reuben made a humming noise.

“I’ve got to go.”

“Wait! Juliet needs you.”

“What do you mean? What’s going on?” he asked urgently. They’d texted often and spoke the other day, she hadn’t mentioned anything.

“I just need you to get back to Wishingbone and check on her. Fuck, I’ve got to go. I know you care for her. So, just go check on her for me, all right?”

Before Xavier could reply, the call ended. He frowned down at his phone. What the hell?

A knock on his door had him half-turning.

“Xavier, please come down for dinner.”

He closed his eyes with a sigh then quickly sent a text to Juliet.

Xavier:Everything ok?

Juliet: Of course, U?

Xavier: Fine. Gonna come home soon.

Juliet: Yay, miss U.

Xavier: Miss U more.

He rubbed at his forehead then looked at flights back home. There was one leaving tomorrow at lunchtime. Hopefully, the biopsy would be back by then. He quickly got dressed. As he grew closer to the living room, he could hear laughter.

Walking in, he saw a tall, thin blonde woman sitting with his mother on the sofa. His father sat across from them.


“Oh, Xavier, there you are. You’re late.” His mother shot him a look. “I’d like to introduce you to Yvonne. She works with your father at the hospital. She’s a pediatrician. Xavier loves children.”

What the hell was happening?

Yvonne rose and smiled, looking him over. She held out her hand. “Such a pleasure to meet you, Xavier.”

“You too,” he said in a short voice.

His mother shot him a sharp look, but he didn’t care. What the hell did she think she was doing?

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