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“Major problem. My reputation is already shot. I need this job.”

“Then you apologize for being an ass. And let me take point.”

His entire body rebelled at that. Not the apology part, he definitely owed her an apology. But he couldn’t stand to let anyone else watch over her. Yesterday, he’d nearly worked himself into a heart attack from worry.

She was his.

He grimaced and rubbed his temples. “How pissed will you be if we don’t get paid for this job?”

“Not as pissed as I’d be if you didn’t grab hold of happiness when it was offered and run with it.”

“You’re a good friend.”

“I’m pretty much your only friend. Sterling just tolerates you.” He grinned at Brick.

“Wouldn’t blame you guys for leaving me. I’ve been a dick to you too.”


“Fuck you, it wasn’t hormones.”

“So, now you’ve pulled your head out of your ass, what’s the next move?”

He let out a breath. “Getting her to listen to me, to let me in.”

“Don’t envy you that job.”

There was another knock on her door.

Huh. He’d lasted longer than she thought he would before coming back to yell at her.

Not that he yelled, but he didn’t need to. A few cutting words in that cold voice were enough to slice her open.

“Juliet, I need to talk to you.”

Awesome. Where were her headphones?

“Not like before. Not that sort of talk,” he said hastily. “Crap, I wish I knew whether you were listening or not. I don’t want to have to repeat this.”

She frowned at that. Repeat what? She raised the headphones to her ears.

“I owe you an apology.”

Okay. She was listening. This was starting to sound more promising.

“I was an asshole to you today. I have . . . issues that have nothing to do with you.”

Why did that sting?

“And I shouldn’t have taken them out on you. Thing is,” he let out a pain-filled sigh, “eight months ago, I learned my wife had been having an affair for years.”

Oh no. Her stomach dropped. Who the hell would be stupid enough to have an affair when they were married to Brick? How could they want someone else?

Like you want two people? You’re attracted to him and Xavier.

Two completely different people. Maybe she was just the same as his ex.

Ouch. She winced at the thought. She’d never cheat, though. That just wasn’t who she was. If she didn’t want to be with someone, then she’d tell them. She wouldn’t go behind their backs.

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