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Still nothing.

Reuben had said she was home. Xavier stepped back then walked around to check the garage. There sat the car she never drove, having lost her confidence after a few accidents. But her bike was still there.

He was kind of surprised that Reuben hadn’t gotten her a driver. Riding her bike everywhere wasn’t exactly safe. He hated when he saw her riding that bike. If only he had the right to insist she didn’t ride it.

But you don’t.

And his insistence would come with a red ass if she disobeyed. Something he was certain would terrify her.

Moving back to the front door, he rang the bell again.

He had the code for the house alarm too. Using it, he entered the house and reset the alarm.

“Twink? You in here?”


Fuck. What if she’d hurt herself? He moved through the house, going to the one place he knew she would be if she was scared or needed reassurance. He climbed the stairs up to the third floor. This entire floor was her private space. The second floor was for guests. Not that she ever had any other than her brother.

He knocked on the closed door to the playroom.


Opening the door, he stepped in. Yep, he was aware it was a complete invasion of privacy, but he’d come this far, and he was starting to get really worried. The playroom was enormous. Easily the size of four standard bedrooms put together. There was a door off it that led to her bedroom and bathroom.

He glanced around the airy space. There were storage drawers that were all painted in different colors. A huge mural had been painted on one wall of an underwater scene, complete with mermaids.

In the middle of the room was a round table that had been set up with a tea party. The dolls already in their places.

“Twink,” he called out.

A small whimper came from next to the sofa. He glanced over, not seeing anything at first. Then he saw a pair of feet peeking out.

Aw. Fuck.

His heart broke as he moved closer and saw her crouched in there, her face hidden in her knees, a blanket around her.

“Juliet,” he whispered. He sat in front of her but didn’t reach for her. “Look at me.”


“Baby, please. You’re killing me.”

Nothing. Fuck. What the hell had Reuben done to make her react like this?

He wasn’t sure whether to touch her or not. To speak to her until she acknowledged him or just sit here.

If this was any other Little . . .

Yeah, he’d have already taken charge. But this was Juliet. His ex-best friend’s little sister.

Getting out his phone, he sent a text to Reuben.

Xavier:What happened to her? What did you do?

Asshole: What’s wrong? Fuck. I can’t call right now. Just make sure she’s all right.

Xavier: Tell me what’s going on.

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