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Juliet leaned up to whisper to the sheriff and Brick swore his vision went red.

“Good,” the sheriff said to her. Then he looked at Brick. “She said you’ll both come to the station later. Don’t make me come looking for you.” The sheriff turned the dark-skinned woman towards his truck. “Come on, Kiesha. I’ll take you home.”

“But I want to go with Juliet and watch her make the big guy sweat some more. I’m pretty sure that vein in his head is about to pop. I don’t want to miss the popping vein,” Kiesha whined.

“None of us do,” the sheriff added. He got her into his truck then turned to Brick and Juliet. “Juliet, you sure you’re okay with him?”

Juliet nodded, to his relief.

“You know where I am if you need me.” The sheriff sent Brick a warning look. What was he warning him about? He was being paid to take care of her. He wasn’t going to harm her.

“Juliet, we’re going home,” he said in a low voice.

And that, as far as he was concerned, was that.

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