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“I said hold still, little girl. If you were mine, you’d already be in . . .” his voice trailed off, a look of horror filling his face.

What? Was the idea of her being his so abhorrent to him?

Wait. Little girl? Did that mean . . . no, of course it didn’t. He only said that because he probably saw her as young and immature.

Someone cleared their throat, and she glanced over to see that Sterling was holding out a towel. She shied away from him before she could stop herself. Even though all he did was hold the towel and give her a small smile.

Damn, he was pretty. Like movie star handsome.

“Give it to me,” Brick snapped as he shuffled her weight around and grabbed the towel. He attempted to get the towel around her while holding her, which wasn’t exactly working.

“Here, do you want me to . . .” Sterling attempted to help him, but a small panicky noise left her throat. Sterling stepped back with his hands up. “Maybe put Juliet down, and then she can do it herself.”

“Juliet fell into the pool. She nearly drowned. We need to get her to the hospital.” He half got the towel around her and started striding towards the truck.

No way. Not happening.

She wriggled around in his arms, trying to get down.

“Stay still,” he bossed.

She growled up at him. He froze, his eyes widening.

“Um, Brick. She doesn’t seem like her dunk in the pool has caused any issues. You sure she needs to go to the hospital?” Sterling asked.

“She nearly drowned!” Brick roared.

For goodness sake!

She slapped the palm of her hand against his forehead. He stilled, then he turned that dark gaze onto her. His eyes were actually dark blue, but they looked black. Like the devil.

“Did you just slap me?” he growled.

There was a bark of laughter from Sterling who was standing beside them.

“No, I’d say that she was trying to knock some sense into you.”

She nodded. Sterling got her. Brick was just dense. He deserved that smack in the head and she wasn’t going to feel bad about it. Nuh-uh. Not even with him glaring at her like he’d like to smack something of hers.

Something lower.

Her ass tingled just thinking about it.

“What’s going on?” Elias hurried towards them. “I got the truck ready. I thought we were taking her to the hospital.”

She scowled over at him, and he came to a sudden stop. “Or not.”

“We’re going,” Brick insisted.


Um, okay. She didn’t actually mean to smack him in the head again. It just sort of happened.

“Did she . . . did she just . . .” Elias stumbled over his words.

“Try to smack some sense into him?” Sterling spoke through his laughter. “Yep, she sure did.”

Elias burst into huge guffaws of laughter. “Holy shit. That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.”

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