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After limping into her playroom, Juliet set the electronic lock on the door.

Hurt flooded her, but she did her best to squash it. Ridiculous. Why should she feel hurt? He had other things to do. Besides, he unsettled her. He made her react to him in ways she didn’t react to any man.

Well, except Xavier. But her reactions to Xavier were unwanted as well. Because he would never reciprocate them. And yet, she couldn’t get him out of her mind. Right now, all she wanted was to talk to him, to tell him about what was going on so he could reassure her that everything was going to be all right.

Anxiety did a nasty dance in her tummy as she drew out her phone, she reread his text message.

Xavier:Sorry to leave you without saying goodbye but I’ve got to go see my parents. Call me when you can.

She clicked on his contact before she could talk herself out of it.

“Twink? You okay?” His voice soothed her even as it excited her. But she thought he sounded tired.

She sat on the sofa. “I’m all right. Are you? Why are you going to see your parents?”

Xavier wasn’t that close to his parents. She’d never met them, but Reuben had told her a few things. They’d pushed all these expectations onto Xavier when he was younger. He’d always had to be the best at everything, and failure was never an option.

Xavier sighed. “My mother found a lump in her breast, and I’m worried she won’t get it checked unless I’m there to help her.”

“Oh no, I’m so sorry!” she told him.

“Thanks, Twink. I’m sorry I had to leave before you woke up. I got called into the hospital to check on a patient. Are you all right? Want to tell me why you had a panic attack and Reuben told me to go around and check on you?”

It always amazed her that with how much he had going on, he still took time to worry about her. She’d rang him with the intention of telling him what was going on, but she knew she couldn’t now. Her problems were nothing against his mother being ill.

“I’m fine.”

There was a beat of silence.

“Twink,” he said in a low, warning voice that sent shivers through her body. If only Xavier saw her as anything other than a friend or little sister. “You know saying ‘I’m fine’ isn’t acceptable. Tell me what’s going on.”

She sighed. “I’m really okay. There’s stuff going on with Reuben, but when isn’t there?”

“Well, that’s true.”

If he’d been here in person, he’d be able to tell she was lying. The last thing she wanted was to burden him with more stuff to worry about.

“When do you catch a flight out?”

“I’m heading to the airport early tomorrow morning. I just need to head home and pack then get some sleep.”

“I’ll let you get ready.”

“Call me if you need me, understand?”

“Bye, Xavy. Be safe!”

“Bye, sweetheart.”

After ending the call, she moved to the area in the back corner, she picked up Angelique and Missy. Curling up on the pile of cushions, she reached under one of the cushions for a pacifier. She had them hidden around this room and in her bedroom. The one in her bed was attached to her favorite blanket. It was something she’d had since she was a baby. It never left her bed because if she lost it, she’d be . . . devastated.

She wasn’t sure how she was going to survive having them in the house. But maybe if she stayed up here, then she wouldn’t have to have much to do with them.

That was the hope anyway.

Of course, she still had to leave the house. But that was a worry for another day. She didn’t have to work until Monday, and today was Saturday. That gave her some time to get used to the idea, right?

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