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“Like to see you try,” Brick dared as he drew up his boxers.

Xavier didn’t reply. He knew he didn’t have a chance of smothering him. Not unless he drugged him first. But then his girl would be sad, and he couldn’t have that.

“If you don’t want that spanking, then I suggest you bend over,” he warned Juliet.

Biting her lip, she turned and bent over. Sure enough, her dress slid up, revealing a pair of light blue, ruffly panties. Damn, that was hot. She had a gorgeous ass. It was plumping up even more now that they were making certain she was eating regularly. Well, Brick was. He was more on top of things than Xavier was with his long hours at the hospital. But over these next few days, it was his turn to take charge of her care, and he was looking forward to it.

He’d told his parents about their relationship three weeks ago. Shortly after that bitch Gladys attacked his girl. They’d told him they would disown him if he went down this path. He hadn’t heard from them since. Juliet had been upset initially, but he’d told her that it felt like a weight had lifted off him when he’d told them that he was choosing his happiness over theirs.

His kind-hearted girl had spent days fussing over him afterward, which had only cemented his resolve.

Their other troublesome family member took more finessing. Reuben had stormed into town on the warpath, prepared to wrestle his sister away from him and Brick. That was when Xavier had really seen the upside of having a partner to help him look out for their girl. Brick had stood side-by-side with him when they’d told Reuben they weren’t going anywhere. And when Reuben had tried to get Juliet on her own, to convince her to get rid of them, one of them had been around to circumvent him.

In the end, Juliet had convinced him that she was the happiest she’d ever been with the two of them, and Reuben had backed down. Well, he’d threatened all sorts of bodily harm to their dicks and balls if they hurt her, but that was only to be expected. If he had a sister, he’d do the same. Of course, the fact that Reuben wasn’t speaking out his ass and would actually do it made things a bit more worrying.

But since neither of them intended to harm Juliet, it didn’t matter.

He figured that it helped that Reuben had noticed how well Juliet was doing under their care. She’d started wearing different clothes outside of the playroom. When they left the house, she would often cover up with more clothes than were needed, but she was changing things up and not always wearing black.

Her confidence was growing. And so was her sassiness.

He loved it. Loved her.

“There’s a surprise there for you,” Brick told him. “Lower your panties, baby girl.”

Xavier swore he could hear her grinding her teeth. A surprise, huh?

“Daddy, no,” she cried.

“Duchess, now.” He looked over at Xavier. “Someone is wearing her sassy pants today.”

“I can tell,” Xavier replied. “She’s going to find herself unable to sit tomorrow at this rate.”

“That might already be a problem,” Brick said with a grin.

Oh, was that so?

“Juliet, panties down, now.”

With a huff that he didn’t appreciate, she lowered her panties down under her ass, but slid her hands over her butt.

Oh, this brat.

“Move your hands.”

“But, Papa, this isn’t fair. You two don’t have to get plastic logs up your butt.”

Plastic logs? Did she seriously just say that? He looked over at Brick, whose shoulders were shaking as he held in his laughter.

“If you’re talking about a butt plug, and I hope you are, then I’ve been plugged before.”

“Me too,” Brick said cheerfully. “And I didn’t complain half as much as this one did when I was plugged. She’s lucky I only used my hand on her ass.”

“Your hand is enough, Mr. Grumpy Butt,” she muttered.

“Excuse me,” Brick said in a low voice.

“Sounds to me like someone needs another spanking,” Xavier told him.

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