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Juliet always felt nervous walking into quiz night at the Wishing Well.

But tonight felt even more nerve-wracking. Because tonight, she was going there with both of her men. She grasped hold of their shirts in her hands and they both glanced down at her. Brick winked.

“It will be all right, Duchess.”

Xavier looked a bit nervous as well, but then he leaned down. “If you’re a good girl and win, then we’ll take turns making you come when we get home.”

She sucked in a breath. Well, she always won. And he knew that.

Ever since he’d spanked her, it was like Xavier had stepped things up. He’d grown more confident. And more dominant.

It was a hell of a turn-on.

And in contrast, Brick seemed to grow more relaxed. He smiled more. He laughed more. And joked.

She loved them both so much. Tomorrow, Reuben was coming to visit.

She really hoped he didn’t try to kill them.

But after tonight, everyone was going to know they were together. That she was with both men. Xavier had gotten rid of his apartment and moved in with her. He’d told his boss at the hospital about their relationship and he’d taken it surprisingly well. Brick had moved what little things he owned here, and he was talking to Kent Jensen about working for JSI. He’d decided he was tired of trying to resurrect his business. He’d told her that the idea of working for someone else actually felt right.

As they walked in, she stared down at her jeans. Yep, she was wearing jeans and a long dark blue top that came to her knees.

She was going to be sick. Especially when everyone seemed to stop and stare at them. And then she heard them. From way at the back.

“Juliet! Hurry up, dude! We need you!” Kiesha yelled.

“Whoop!” Isa screamed. “We’re going to kick your butt, Loki!”

“Only because Juliet is here,” Loki yelled back. “Are you sure you won’t marry me, Juliet?”

Both of her men growled and gave Loki the death stare as around them everyone started talking again.

Maybe, just maybe, this was going to be all right.

They’d won.

Not that there had been any doubt. But it was always nice to win. As Kiesha and Isa danced around, she grinned over at her guys and waggled her eyebrows.

Brick grinned back while Xavier gave her a heated look.

Oh yeah. That was happening tonight.

Her insides twirled with happiness. Leaning over to Kiesha, she took hold of her arm. “Toilet?” she whispered.

“Yep, let’s go.” Kiesha turned to the table where Brick and Xavier sat with Ed. “Doc and bodyguard boy, we gotta go pee.”

Brick stood. “I’ll come.”

Kiesha waved her hand. “You’re not on duty anymore, bodyguard boy. I got this. I can help her pee.”

Kiesha weaved them through the crowd to the toilet. She got that feeling of being watched but shrugged it off. Juliet peed and came out of the cubicle before Kiesha, who was muttering something about her jeans not fitting because she’d eaten too much dinner. Juliet smiled as she washed her hands. She didn’t pay much attention to the door opening.

Then turning, she froze as she saw who walked in.

“Always got to win, don’t you?” Gladys said in a snarky voice. “Perfect, precious Juliet. Who everyone has to take care of. Everyone has to coddle and protect. Including your brother. What kind of sick relationship do you have with him, anyway?”

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