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“I don’t like this,” she complained.

“It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not,” Xavier said patiently as he pulled things out of his bag.

“But why do we have to do it in the office?” she asked, looking to Brick, who just watched with an amused twist to his lips.

“Because the table is at a good height,” Xavier explained patiently.

“What if Elias and Sterling are watching?” she asked desperately.

“They’ve turned off the camera in here,” Brick reassured her. “I have a panic button if we need help.”

She grumbled.

“Brick, can you strip our girl for me?” Xavier asked in his dominant voice.

“Certainly. Come here, baby girl.”

“Daddy, I don’t like visiting the doctor.”

“Now, that’s not very nice, is it?” Brick scolded.

Luckily, Xavier didn’t take offense to that, he just made an amused noise.

“But he’ll poke and prod me.”

“You didn’t mind when he poked and prodded you last night,” Brick teased as he started to undress her.

“Daddy!” she protested.

“Hush, you’re going to be fine,” Brick told her. “You need a check-up. You’ve been under too much stress.”

“Exactly,” Xavier agreed as she stood there, naked.

She shivered.

“Cold?” Brick asked in concern, running his hands up and down her arms.

“She gets like that when she’s nervous.” Xavier came over and cupped her chin. “You’re fine, Twink. Brick, would you help her onto her back on the desk? Arrange her so her legs rest over the end.”

Xavier had laid out a sheet on the desk so it wasn’t that cold when Brick helped her on. She grabbed hold of his T-shirt. “Don’t leave, Daddy.”

“I won’t,” he soothed.

“Actually, sit up,” Xavier said. “Let’s do the basics first.”

He checked her throat and eyes, her glands and looked in her ears. Then she had to breathe in deep while he listened to her lungs. She didn’t know why, because he was acting very professionally, but she was starting to get aroused. She could feel the moisture gathering between her legs.

“Right, now lay back,” Xavier told her. “Put your hands behind your head.”

She moved her hands obediently, and he started to give her a breast exam.

There’s nothing sexy about a breast exam. There’s nothing sexy about a breast exam.

Yeah, she could say it as much as she wanted, but her body didn’t believe it. Then he reached her nipple and lightly pinched it.

She was pretty sure that wasn’t part of a routine breast exam.

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