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Juliet stood in the corner and fumed.

This wasn’t fair.

She’d just needed a drink. She shouldn’t be punished for that, right? Okay, so she was only allowed three iced mochas a day. And maybe she’d been trying to sneak in a fourth drink.

But how was a girl supposed to survive on just three? It was making her cranky.

“Come here, Twink,” Xavier called out.

Last night, after they’d made love to her, they’d bathed her together. She’d thrived under their care. But sometimes, she wished they didn’t pay such close attention. Like now.

Turning, she huffed out a breath. Xavier raised an eyebrow. Brick was doing some work downstairs in the office, so it was just the two of them.

“Maybe you need another ten minutes in the corner.”

“No, Papa! I don’t. Really.”

He crooked a finger at her and she slowly walked over to where he sat on the sofa. He settled her on his lap sideways. “You want to tell me what’s wrong, Twink?”

“My tummy.” She placed her hand over her stomach. “It’s all tied up in knots.”

“Because of Reuben?”

She nodded.

“I’m worried about him too. I know we haven’t gotten on that well for the last two years, but I miss him. I still love him.”

She sighed and leaned into him. He held her tight, rocking her back and forth gently. But then he pulled back and tilted her head up. “But that worry is no excuse for being naughty. Too much caffeine isn’t good for you. I’m worried about what all this stress is doing. I think you need to have a check-up.”

“No, Papa, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do,” he replied sternly. “Now, you need to have some lunch.”

He carried her over and sat her in a chair by Angelique.

“Angelique, you’re in charge. You tell me if Juliet doesn’t behave.”

She gave an outraged gasp. “Papa, you can’t put Angelique in charge! She’s so bossy and a total tattletale.”

“Ah, but she’s a good person to keep you on your best behavior.”

She sent Angelique a stern frown then glanced down at her sandwiches. They’d been cut into shapes so they looked like mermaid tails. She nibbled at one, studying her clothes. Papa had dressed her this morning in a pretty dress with a full skirt. It was pink and sparkly. Underneath, she had ruffly panties and a pair of long socks that went up over her knees. She looked super cute. She wished she was brave enough to wear something like this out in public.

She ate a sandwich and some fruit.

“Papa, I’m done.”

“Let’s see how much you’ve eaten.” He glanced down with a nod. “Good. Now drink the water in your sippy cup.”

She tilted up the sippy cup, gulping down water as quickly as she could. She had things to do. She’d just put it down when her phone started to ring.

The sound of wolves howling filled the room, and she dropped her sippy cup and stood, racing for her phone on its holder. It was a video call. Her fingers shook as she answered it.


“Hey, Mini.” He looked exhausted, sounded even worse. But he was calling her. He was alive. He was safe.

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