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The anger eased. “That so? Thought there was just heavy petting?”

“Very heavy,” Brick told him.

“I see.”

“Fuck, I need to taste her,” Brick groaned.

“You’re driving Brick insane.”

“You’re both driving me insane,” she complained. “I need to come.”

“Who knew you could be so demanding,” Xavier murmured.

And who knew he would enjoy torturing her? Where had he hidden this mean side? She had no idea.

“Ask us nicely, beg prettily, and Brick will eat you out.”

“Please, Sirs, please. I want to come. So badly. Please.”

“Good girl,” Xavier crooned, then he reached up and grasped her around the back of her neck, drawing her in for a long, drugging kiss. Her head was spinning as he drew away then lifted her off his lap. She hadn’t even realized that Brick had moved away from her until then.

Hands grasped hold of her pants and whipped them and her panties down her legs. Then she was standing there as bare as the day she was born. The shock of it cleared her head and she realized she was standing there.


Where they could see every inch of her scrawny body. Not that Brick hadn’t seen her naked and Xavier had seen her breasts, but this felt different. She felt more vulnerable.

Her arms reached up to cover herself.

“No,” Brick said from behind her. He turned her to face him, then he cupped her face with his hands and kissed her gently.

Oh, so gently.

Her forehead, her nose, her chin, then her lips.

“You’re perfect. The most perfect creature created just for us. There is no part of you that you should be ashamed of. And I won’t accept it. And neither will he.” He nodded behind her to Xavier. “You’re mine. You’re his. And you’re fucking perfect.”

Tears entered her eyes.

Then she felt Xavier press against her. “So don’t hide your loveliness from us, my sweetheart. It makes us sad to think you would believe we don’t adore every single piece of you. And remember, we don’t want to make the big guy cry. It would be messy.”

She let out a watery laugh but dropped her hands to her sides.

“That’s our girl,” Brick murmured. He stepped back and stared down at her. When his gaze reached hers, the heat and love in his eyes blew her away. “Fucking perfect.”

Two large hands cupped her breasts, holding them up, and Brick leaned in to suckle on one then the other. Her legs nearly buckled as she swore she could feel the suction of his mouth all through her body. Her clit throbbed mercilessly.

“I wonder how wet she is,” Xavier murmured.

“We should definitely check that,” Brick agreed. “Spread your legs, Juliet.”

She pushed them apart, hardly believing that she was doing this.

She was going to be with them both. Her. She was weird and damaged.

And loved.

Reuben loved her. Her friends loved her. But this went beyond that.

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