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Amanda smiled at him. “We all know how much she means to you, Doc X. Oh, apparently, there are a couple of men in the waiting room, upset that they aren’t allowed back here. They claim to be her bodyguards, but Mary-Lee wouldn’t let them in. You know what she’s like about the rules.”

Shit. He knew who had been calling him. “I’ll take care of it, they are her bodyguards. Actually, could you go find the one called Brick and bring him in? It’s a wonder he isn’t tearing the hospital down trying to find her.”

“Apparently, Mary-Lee did threaten to call security on the guy who claimed to be her boyfriend.”

“Ah, yeah, that would be Brick.”

“I’ll go get him then.”

Xavier read her file quickly then checked her vitals. Steady. They were steady. Her oxygen levels could be better, but they weren’t terrible.

Probably admitting her was overkill, but he didn’t care.

He moved towards the side of the bed. Gently, he grabbed her hand, squeezing it. His hand was shaking. He held her hand like it was made of the finest of crystal.

He could have lost her. Closing his eyes, he breathed in deep. She was usually so careful. He’d drilled that into her over and over. How severe her allergy was.

“Oh, sweetheart. What the hell happened?” he asked quietly. Outside this cubicle, he could hear the noise of the ER, but in here, it was like a bubble.

Opening his eyes, he leaned in and gently kissed her forehead. “Jesus.”

“X-xavier?” she asked.

Her eyes didn’t open, and he wasn’t sure if she knew he was actually there or not.

“I’m here, Twink. I’m here. You’re safe. You’re in the emergency department in the hospital. You had an allergic reaction, but you’re going to be just fine. I promise.”

He wouldn’t allow her to be anything else. This fierce need to protect flooded him.

“Nothing will happen to you.”

“Love you, Xavy. Always have.”

His heart skipped. “Love you too, Juliet. I’ll always love you, my sweet girl.”

“Where is she?” a deep voice demanded. He turned. Fuck, Brick would get himself kicked out if he went around yelling like that.

Xavier went quickly to the curtain and drew it open. Brick’s wild gaze met his. “Fuck, Xavier. Is she all right?”

“In here. She’s fine.” He nodded to Amanda, who was watching them curiously. “Thanks, Amanda.”

“Of course, I’ll give you some space.”

Fuck. No doubt she was going to tell to someone about this. There was no mistaking the fear on Brick’s face. And likely on his own too.

Oh, well. They had bigger worries than a bit of gossip.

When he turned back, Brick was leaning over her. His face held a wealth of pain as he gently kissed her forehead and whispered to her. Xavier moved to her other side, taking her other hand.

“How is she?” Brick finally asked him. “Will she really be okay?”

He got it. They could have lost her.

“Her vitals are pretty good. Someone administered the epinephrine?”

Brick nodded. “Soon as I realized what was going on. She was trying to get it out of her bag but couldn’t grab it. I got it out and shot her with it while Sterling called for an ambulance.”

“You did good. She’s had some steroids and she’ll remain on oxygen for a bit until I’m happier with her oxygen levels.”

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