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But for her, he’d get to know him.

Yeah, it was bizarre. Could two near-strangers love the same girl? Could they become a family for that girl? Could they learn to share?

Last night, he’d gone online to search for those answers. He hadn’t really found them. He’d always asked the two docs and Caley, as well as Brick, but the only way to find answers was to discover them himself.

He’d just have to find out firsthand himself.

“I don’t want anyone to walk away,” she whispered. “I don’t want to lose either of you. That’s why I’m so scared.”

“You’re not going to lose us,” Brick told her. “Not unless you tell us to get lost. Even then, I’m not sure I could ever walk away from you. I’d become some weird stalker, watching your every move.”

“I’d join you,” Xavier told him.

They grinned at each other. Yeah, this situation was weird as fuck. But hey, it was a changing world. Maybe this would become the new norm. Who knew? All he knew was he loved Juliet and was tired of trying to hide it or deny it.

“I want this. God, I want this so much, but it doesn’t feel real. It feels like I’m in some sort of dream.”

“I get it, I felt the same way when the big guy brought it up.”

“I don’t live in a dreamland,” Brick scoffed at them both.

Juliet rolled her eyes up at Xavier. He winked at her.

She started biting her lip. “I don’t want to hurt anyone. I couldn’t stand it if that happened.”

“You’re not going to hurt anyone,” Xavier reassured her.

“We’re grown-ass men,” Brick added, reaching out to free her lip. “We can guard our own feelings.”

She stared over at Brick. “I love you.” She looked up at Xavier. “And I love you. Hurting either of you, losing either of you because I . . . because I’m a weirdo who loves two men at the same time, I couldn’t stand that.”

“Nope. Stop that right now,” Brick barked.

Even Xavier jumped. Then he frowned at Brick for talking to her like that. Brick gave him a steady look back. “She’s not going to break, man. She’s tougher than any of you know.”

Juliet sucked in a breath. “You can’t blame him for thinking I might break,” she said to Brick. “I’m the town looney.”

“Nope,” Xavier growled at her. “That’s not happening.”

“You should spank her for that,” Brick told him.

Spank her? Fuck. Could he? She was so much smaller than him.

“Fuck, man, I’ve spanked her. And look at me.” Brick held out his hand. Yeah, he had hands like dinner plates. “She didn’t break. Remember, you’re giving her what she needs.”


“Brick’s right. You need a spanking for calling yourself a freak and a weirdo. That’s twenty.”

“Twenty!” she squeaked.

“Damn, man. Like your style.” Brick grinned.

“Twenty is a lot,” she told him.

“Calling yourself those things is not going to be tolerated,” he told her in a firm voice. His blood damn near boiled. “You are not looney or a weirdo. You know what you are?”

“What?” she whispered.

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