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“No, I love it all.” Something he already knew. She picked up her fork.

“Do you need me to feed you?” Brick asked.

“N-no.” She glanced over at Xavier then shifted around on her seat.

“Do you need to go potty?” Brick asked.

“Brick!” She went bright red.

“Everyone has to pee, Twink.” Xavier grinned at her.

Ass. She glared at him. “Do you have to go potty?”

“Nope.” He popped a piece of garlic bread into his mouth. “Now, eat.”

“I don’t know if I like the two of you ganging up on me.”

“Well, you certainly seem to need it,” Brick told her, pulling her plate closer. “Think it will take two of us to look after you.”

She sucked in a breath, freezing. “What’s going on here? Why are the two of you acting like this?”

They shared a look with one another, but didn’t say anything.

“Tell me,” she urged. “I deserve to know.”

“She’s right,” Xavier told Brick. “I thought it would work better this way, but we’re confusing her.”

“What is it that you’re committed to making work?” she asked before thinking better of it.

Xavier raised his eyebrows. “Were you eavesdropping, Twink?”

“I, um . . .”

“That’s very naughty,” Brick said. “I think she should spend some time in the corner for that.”

“I agree,” Xavier said.

“What is going on here?” she cried, starting to feel completely overwhelmed.

They must have seen it too, because they both winced. Then Brick reached for her, drawing her onto his lap. Xavier moved into her chair and leaned across to take her hand in his.

“Everything is all right, sweetheart,” Xavier soothed.

“I’m confused. You’re both acting odd. Where were you today?” she asked Brick. “And was Xavier with you?”

“Yes, he was. We went to Sanctuary Ranch.”


“To talk to Doc, Archer, and Caley,” Xavier told her.

“About what?”

“Being in a permanent ménage,” Brick told her.

She took in a deep breath. “Are you . . . do you mean . . . oh.” She couldn’t make her brain work in order to get the words out properly. She was completely flabbergasted.

“I’m going to ask you a question, Duchess, and I want you to answer me honestly. Can you do that?”

“I guess so.”

“All I want is your honesty, remember? No lies.”

“No lies,” she repeated.

“Juliet, do you love Xavier?”

“W-what?” Had he really just asked her that.

“Juliet, do you love Xavier in the same way you love me?”

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