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“Yeah, crazy, huh? They pushed him to be good at sports, at his studies, a B was never an acceptable grade. They forced him to apply to Ivy League colleges because they were the best. He and Reuben went to Harvard together. I think his parents were pretty horrified when he chose to move back here. But if he hadn’t . . . I think they would have pushed him over the edge. I wish he could see that he’s perfect the way he is.” She started to go red. “I mean that as his friend.”

He hushed her. He wasn’t going to take offense over that.

“They don’t live here?”

“No, they moved when he graduated high school. His dad was the head of the hospital here for years before he got a better offer. They now live in New York. I just wish he was happy,” she said. “He hides it well, but I see his sadness.”

He nodded, but didn’t know what to say. Because he had this inkling suspicion he knew what would make Xavier happy. And it wasn’t his parents’ acceptance that he wasn’t perfect. The thing is, he didn’t much care about Xavier’s happiness.

But he did care about hers. What if she would be happier with both of them?

Shit. Damn Elias.

“I get it, baby girl.”

She rubbed at her eyes with closed fists, looking so adorable that it nearly killed him.

“You’re exhausted,” he told her quietly. “Time for bed.”

“I am. But I don’t know if I’ll sleep. I don’t sleep well.”

“I was thinking I might sleep on the sofa tonight. In case you need me.”

Her hands dropped and she gave him a surprised look. “You don’t have to do that.”

“Feel better if I did.”

She chewed at her lip. “I’d feel bad about you sleeping on the couch, though.” Then she snapped her fingers. “Oh, I know. You could sleep in my bed. I’ll take the couch.”

“First off, you aren’t sleeping on a couch. Not happening,” he said firmly as she opened her mouth. “Secondly, your bed might be Juliet-sized, but it’s not Daddy-sized. I’ll get a crink in my neck.”

“Neither is the couch.”

Well, she had him there.

“It’s not really a Daddy bed,” he told her gently.

Her mouth opened. Closed. She nodded. Then her hand wrapped around his shirt. “We could sleep in your bed. Together.”

Surprise filled him. He didn’t think she would make an offer like that. “You’d be able to sleep?”

“Maybe. I don’t sleep well anyway. I could try. Only if you wanted. I understand if you don’t. I mean, I might snore, or kick in my sleep or punch you.”

“Why would you punch me?”

“I dunno. I might be dreaming that I was a ninja fighting off a dragon.”

“Would a ninja punch a dragon? I mean, I assume a dragon wouldn’t even feel a ninja punch.”

“All right, so maybe I’d be dreaming I was a bounty hunter, bringing in a bail skipper.”

“Don’t know if you’d be allowed to just punch someone who skipped bail.”

“Maybe I would be dreaming I was a kangaroo.”


She huffed out a breath. “It’s just a dream, Mr. Logical.”

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