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“Oh, poor Duchess. You really thought that was your spanking?” He gave her a sympathetic look and she stuck out her lower lip, feeling very sorry for herself. He held out his hand to her. “Come here.”

She took it, letting him settle her onto his lap. He held her tight, and she cuddled in, her face burying against his chest. This was undoubtedly her favorite place to be. His touch settled her. She felt so safe. Wanted. Cherished.

“You’re the best man I’ve ever met, Brick Sampson,” she whispered.

He froze for a moment. “I’m not a good man.”

“You are.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I live in a studio apartment in a neighborhood I wouldn’t allow you to step a foot into. My bank account is empty. My business is on the brink of bankruptcy. I’m grouchy and bossy. You should run a mile from me.”

“Brenton Sampson,” she said indignantly. Drawing back, she glared up at him. “Do you really think I’m so shallow that the only reason I’d want to be with you is because of what you could give me?”

“Well, obviously not since I can’t give you any of this.” He waved his hand around the room.

She cupped his face between her hands. “All of this is just stuff, you silly man. It can’t love me, or hug me, or keep me safe.”

“The alarm system you have will do a pretty good job of keeping you safe.”

She narrowed her gaze at him. “Are you being deliberately obtuse?”

He shifted around, looking uncomfortable and her heart softened. “I don’t want stuff, I want you. The man who takes care of me fiercely and without apology. Who pumps up my bike tires even though I can’t ride it. Who worries that I’m not drinking enough water. Who is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure I’m happy.”

“That’s all I want, baby girl.” He kissed her gently. “Now, enough buttering me up. Time for your spanking.”

“But Daddy, surely we can forget about that now.”

“Surely we cannot.” He lifted her off his lap, then helped guide her so she was lying across his thighs. “I know there are things I can’t give you. That will take a long time for me to give you, but there are things you need that I can give you. Like the spanking you need.”

“Daddy, nobody needs a spanking,” she argued.

“I have to disagree.” He rubbed his hand over her bottom. “You most certainly need a spanking.”

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