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“Talking about yourself like that. It’s unacceptable and I won’t put up with it.”

“Sorry,” she said hastily.

He moved his hand to her ass, tapping it softly. “Unfortunately, saying sorry doesn’t wipe that clean. That’s ten.”

Maybe he was making a mistake. After all, she’d just been hiding under the bed and barely responding to him. He could send her running again.

But he had a feeling he wouldn’t.

He thought she probably needed his rules and consequences. That they’d give her a feeling of security that she was desperate for.

“Ten what?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” He’d read her books to her. She might not have had a relationship with a Daddy before, but the Little in the book he’d started reading to her had been spanked plenty.

“You wouldn’t,” she breathed out.

“Oh, I would, baby girl. And that isn’t the worst punishment you’re owed.”

“You’re going to punish me for hurting you.” She said it like it was a foregone conclusion. Did she think he was a damn monster?

“Never. It was an accident. Understand?”

She nodded.

“Nope. Words.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Fuck. His balls were going to be blue by the time he got to take care of this hard-on.

“Soon as you’re over this hangover, you’re going to be punished for disobeying me and coming downstairs. I specifically told you to stay up here, Juliet.”

She trembled.

“Don’t care if it was Santa Claus,” he told her firmly. “You were told to stay upstairs. Then, when we were downstairs, I heard Elias tell you to stay away from us, and what did you do?”

“Threw water and flowers over you.”

“One of us could have accidentally hit you when we were fighting. Do you know what that would have done to me?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to harm him.”

“That’s not your concern. Your only job is to obey me. Understand?”

“I’m not sure I’m going to be very good at that job,” she said forlornly.

Ridiculously, despite the seriousness of the conversation, he felt like smiling.

“Maybe you’ll get better once you realize the consequences. I also owe you a punishment for not obeying me when Kiesha skated out in front of the truck.”

“You can’t! We weren’t, um, anything then.”

“Was still your bodyguard,” he growled.

“You spank all your clients?”

“Course not. But none have been naughty like you.”

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