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“No, Daddy makes the rules, baby girl. Now, brush my teeth.”

“Okay, open wide.”

“Open wide, what?” he asked, deciding to press her a bit since she still hadn’t said the word he most wanted to hear. He lifted her so she was sitting on the cabinet as she was a bit short to reach his mouth easily.

“Um, open wide, please.” She banged her feet against the cabinets and he winced at the noise, stilling her legs with one hand.

“Nice manners, but that’s not what I want either.”

“Oh.” Her cheeks went red. “You’re sure?”

“More sure than I’ve been of anything before.”

“Open wide, Daddy,” she said so quietly that he had to strain to hear her. That was all right. This was a start.

He opened his mouth. This was kind of odd. But it had definitely made her relax.

“Gosh, Daddy. These are really dirty,” she told him as she started to brush his teeth with way more enthusiasm than he ever did. At one stage, he thought the toothbrush was about to go down his throat.

“Definitely no more candy. You don’t want holes, do you, Daddy?” she said sternly. Then she pulled the brush out. “Spit. Rinse. Okay. Repeat.”

By the time she was finished, he was pretty sure she’d scraped half the enamel off his teeth.

“All shiny, Daddy.”

“Thank you, Duchess,” he said dryly. He moved between her legs then put his hands onto the counter on either side of her, trapping her in. He studied her, waiting to see if she showed any sign of panic. But pleasure filled her face. Yeah, his girl definitely liked when he got all dominant on her.

“Time for that kiss.”

He didn’t give her too much time to think. Grabbing the back of her head with his hand, he held her still while he pressed his lips to hers. He kissed her softly, drinking her in. Goddamn. Need flowed through him, making him groan as his hard cock pressed against his pants.

Don’t scare her off.

Drawing back, he ran a finger over her lips. As he’d hoped, they parted, and he dipped his finger in. She sucked on it with a quiet murmur.

“Keep your mouth open,” he commanded as he slid his finger free, then he pressed his mouth against hers again, his tongue slipping into her mouth. For a moment, she was still, almost frozen. Then he ran his hand up the outside of her thigh, his other hand holding her head, and she sighed into his mouth.

Then her tongue started playing with his.

Oh, fuck yes.

He could have stood there all day, kissing her. Could have happily dropped to his knees, pushed down her pajama pants, and eaten her out until she screamed.

But slow. She wasn’t ready for more.

Drawing back, he had to hold her to keep her from chasing his mouth.

“Duchess, stop now.”

“Want more.”

Damn, that was like an aphrodisiac, he could feel it in his dick. Shit. He was going to have to do something about his hard-on from hell. He needed a shower and a change of clothes anyway. But he didn’t really want to leave her alone.

Bath. Clean. Food. Then he’d take a shower and take care of his dick.

“I know. But I can’t guarantee I’ll stop. And a kiss is all you get at the moment. Until I’m sure you’re ready for more.”

She was ready for more now, damn him. What was he talking about?

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