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Had she lied to him? He shook his head. He doubted it. She hadn’t mentioned Xavier before, though. But when would she have had a chance?

Had he pushed her too far too fast? Likely. He’d jumped in feet first. Claiming her like he was a caveman.

Did she have feelings for Xavier? That was the question. Maybe there had been nothing between them before, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t interested in Xavier. It would make more sense for her to be with him.

But then he remembered her curling into him. Sucking on his fingers. Her shy smiles. Those admiring glances.

Did he fucking deserve her? Likely not.

Did he want her? Fuck, yes.

Don’t be a fucking coward.

Maybe she’d choose Xavier. But she wouldn’t pick him because Brick hadn’t fought for her. Decision made, he let out a breath.

Fuck. Fine. He was going to talk to her. Lay his cards out. And if she rejected him, then at least he’d tried.

What if she wants both of you?

Sheesh, Elias had really gotten in his head.

Climbing to her door, he knocked loudly. No answer. Crap.

“Juliet, it’s me. Open up.”


“I just want to talk.” Still nothing. He should wait. That would be the right thing to do. The proper thing.

Good thing he never cared much about that. He’d seen the pin number she’d used last night, and he quickly inputted it, telling himself that he had to check she was okay.

He strode through the playroom, taking it in during the daylight. There was a tea party set up at a gorgeous antique table, along with what looked to be a complete play kitchen, with everything you could imagine.

The costume area was behind the kitchen. He frowned as he remembered her trying to fly last night. What was she thinking? She could have hurt herself. Damn woman needed a keeper.

Which is what you want to be, don’t you? You want to be her Dom. Her Daddy. Her man.

Fuck, yes. He wanted it in a way that he hadn’t wanted anything for a long, long time.

There was a massive mural on one side of the room. It was an under the sea scene with mermaids and treasure and fish.

He moved into the bedroom, not seeing her. Where was she? He walked into the bathroom. Fuck. Panic started to fill him.

Heading back into the playroom, he looked around. She was tiny. Maybe she was hiding. A muffled sound reached him and he froze. There it went again.

By the couch. Swiftly, he headed that way, coming to a stop as he found her. She was curled into a tight ball, wedged between the couch and the wall. A tremor wracked her body, and he kicked himself for taking so long to come to her.

Oh, his poor baby.

“It’s all right, Duchess,” he murmured soothingly. “You’re all right.”

Her hands were clenched into fists, and he knew she was pressing her nails into the palms of her hands.

“Duchess, look at me.”

Nothing. She didn’t even move, didn’t flinch.

Well, you could stop looming over her.

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