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Xavier felt crazed.

His heart was racing, adrenaline surged inside him. All he wanted to do was take down this smug asshole. To wipe that smirk off his face. Unfortunately, the bastard was built like a brick shit house.

He understood why Reuben had hired him. With his burly stature and craggy face, he’d be enough to scare off most people.

But Xavier wasn’t most people. He’d watched over Juliet for the last two years. And now this damn bodyguard thought he got to claim her?

Nobody was stealing her from him. As soon as he got rid of this asshole, he’d tell her about his feelings.

“You can go pack your stuff. I’ll make sure Reuben pays out what he owes you.”

“You can’t fire us when you didn’t hire us,” said the first man, who stood off to the side, watching them both.

“If Juliet needs bodyguards, I’ll hire them.”

“If?” the first guy asked. “You don’t think there’s a real threat?”

“Reuben is overprotective. He probably overreacted.”

“You have no idea what’s going on,” the bruiser standing between him and Juliet said. “You’d put her in danger because you think you know best.”

Fuck. He wanted to re-break this asshole’s nose.

Because Xavier didn’t know what was going on. Damn Reuben. Why did he never explain shit?

“Juliet, upstairs,” the bruiser commanded.

Xavier stiffened. “Don’t speak to her like that.” Juliet needed gentleness, kindness. “Juliet, come here.” He tried to peer around the bruiser to see her.

“For fuck’s sake, will the two of you stop it.” Elias glared at them. “Can’t you see what you’re both doing to her?”

The bruiser half-turned, letting him get a good look at Juliet. Her hair was a mess. She wore long, silky pajamas that covered her body, but her face was pale and there were dark marks under her eyes.

“Twink, aren’t you feeling well?” he asked with concern, stepping towards her.

The bruiser moved between them again.

Xavier shot him a disgusted look. “I’m not going to hurt her. I’d never do anything to hurt her. I care about her.” He turned to Juliet. “Baby, have you been sleeping? Eating?”

Her eyes widened as she stared from him to the big guy between them.

“Are you here as her friend or for some other reason?” the bruiser asked.

“What business is it of yours?”

“It’s my business because Juliet is mine.”

Anger flooded him. This asshole didn’t get to come in and steal what was his. But he managed to keep himself under control. Just.

“You’ve known her less than a week. How do I know you haven’t taken advantage of her? Does Reuben know about this? Because it seems highly unprofessional.”

Juliet didn’t understand what was going on.

Her pulse was racing. The room around her spun. She knew she had to take a breath or she was going to pass out.

“I think the two of you should cool off,” Elias told them. “Neither of you are thinking about Juliet right now. Have you even looked at her properly?”

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