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“I’m her close friend. And you don’t get to come between us. Get Juliet, tell her Xavier is here.” Xavier was growing quieter. She didn’t think that was a good thing.

And then he shoved Brick.

Oh no. No, no, no.

She’d waited too long before intervening. Sitting here, feeling sorry for herself, and mourning what might have been. She would never have Xavier like she had once dreamed of, but she still loved him.

And she couldn’t let Brick hurt him. She also couldn’t let him attack Brick.

Because Brick was hers.

So, she found herself flying down the stairs, uncaring that she was still in her pajamas and hadn’t yet brushed her teeth and that her hair was likely a rat’s nest.

This couldn’t happen.

When she got to the foyer, Xavier and Brick were toe to toe. This wasn’t going to end well. She ran closer.

“Juliet, no!” Elias yelled out, moving towards her. Brick spun, startled, and Xavier started past him. Brick turned back and blocked him. Xavier saw the opportunity to land a punch which Brick dodged.

She had to stop them. Then she spotted the fresh vase of flowers on the hallway table. Picking it up, she threw the water and flowers at them.

Both of them froze then turned to gape at her.

“What the hell?” Brick snapped. “Juliet!”

“Don’t speak to her like that,” Xavier growled at him. Then he turned to look at her, his gaze running over her.

She was heaving for breath, hardly daring to believe she’d just done that.

“Twink? You okay?” Xavier’s voice immediately softened. Again, he tried to step past Brick, but the other man was suddenly between them. All she could see was his back.

“Last chance to leave before we call the cops,” Brick warned.

“You can’t keep her from me.”

She stepped forward and put her hand on Brick’s shoulder. He didn’t look at her. She bit her lip, feeling worried.

“Juliet, go upstairs. Now,” Brick demanded.

Oh, she wished she could do that. She really did. But she couldn’t let him call the police on Xavier. She glanced over at Elias and shook her head.

“No cops?” Elias asked. “He really is a friend?”

She nodded.

“We’re closer than friends,” Xavier demanded.

They were? What did he mean? Well, she guessed maybe he meant he was more like her caretaker. Sadness filled her at the thought.

“Really?” Elias drawled. “Then where have you been this last week?”

“I’ve been away. I didn’t know there was trouble, or I would have been here.”

“So Juliet didn’t tell you?” Elias asked.

“No,” Xavier said shortly.

Was it her imagination or did Brick’s shoulders ease?

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