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“Guessing you’re also mad at me. I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I can’t say I’m sorry about it.”

What was he talking about? He wasn’t sorry about spending the night with her in a beanbag?

“Telling people you’re mine, it felt right. We can still go slow. But I want people to know you’re mine, and I’m sorry if you don’t want—”

She raised her hand and tried to cover his mouth. But his muttered curse had her lifting her head sharply.

Her head protested the movement. Not a good idea.

Chagrin filled her as she saw the way he cradled his eye. Shoot.

You’re such a clumsy idiot.

She reached out to touch him then thought better of it. Best not to keep hurting him.

“So, I’m guessing you’re really not happy about me saying you’re mine.”

She shook her head. That wasn’t it.

“You’re not upset about me claiming you?”

She shook her head again.

He lowered his hand then stood and reached over for a washcloth that sat on one of the shelves. It was a pale blue color with a mermaid on it. He ran it under the water. She guessed he was going to put it over his eye. But then he crouched in front of her and grabbed hold of her chin. She tried to pull her head back, but he gave her a firm look.

“Stay still, baby girl.”

He started to gently wash her face. And oh, it was bliss. She didn’t realize how crusty and gross she’d felt until her face was clean. Then he moved away to turn off the bath. She noticed that he’d poured some of her colored bubble bath into it, turning the water and bubbles all green.

“Stay there.”

She opened her mouth then closed it. Useless. She dug her nails into the palms of her hands in punishment. She hated that she was this way. That she couldn’t even talk to the sexiest man alive.

Well, one of them. An image of Xavier floated through her mind. She pushed it aside.

“There is nothing in that fridge but water and an iced coffee.”

There was a coffee drink left? It must have been tucked into the back of the fridge. She looked at what he held in his hand, disappointment filling her as she realized it was water.

He crouched in front of her again, frowning as he stared down at her. What was wrong? He took her hands in his, drawing her nails away from the palms of her hands.


She crossed her arms over her chest. He was awfully damn fond of that word. Especially when it came to her. He opened the water then lifted it to her mouth. She reached for it, but he shook his head at her. Puzzled she sucked some down then drew back.

“More,” he demanded.

He’d gone from talkative to one-word sentences. She couldn’t keep up. What had she done last night? She had these vague recollections of flying and playing the drums, but none of that made sense.

“Are you worried I’m going to push you for more than you’re ready for?” he asked abruptly.

What? No. Even though she hadn’t expected him to blurt that out, she wasn’t upset. At least not for the reasons he thought.

She shook her head.

“Are you worried about your brother finding out? I know everyone seemed to think he’d be upset. But you don’t need to concern yourself about that. I’ll be the one to deal with him. If I quit, then he’ll have no objections.”

Oh, he’d have plenty to object about. And she knew she’d have to be the one to stand between them. It was the only way to protect Brick.

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