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“Missy, would you like some tea? No? Well, tough. You’re getting some. Now, don’t give me that face. If you’re invited to a tea party, then you should drink what you’re offered, not turn up your nose like some fuss pot.”

Juliet poured tea into one of her delicate cups. They’d been in Reuben’s family for a long time, so she had to be very careful.

“Angelique, we’re not having the cream cake yet. You have to eat a sandwich first. You’re so naughty.” She waggled her finger at the doll.

The ringing of her phone jolted her and she splashed hot tea across her hand.

She stared down at the red patch on her hand. She should probably put her hand under some cool water. But the pain felt almost cleansing. It cleared her mind and helped her think better.

You’re a weirdo.

Wolf howls continued tofill the room. She set the teapot down carefully and ran to get her phone from where she’d set it on the small table by the couch. Reuben had bought her several cell phone holders to place throughout the house so there was less chance of her losing her phone.

Reuben tended to worry about those things. She loved the holders. The one in this room was a sloth and it always made her smile.

She picked up the phone and saw it was a video call.

“Hey, big brother,” she greeted him cheerfully.

He didn’t smile back but she didn’t take offense. Reuben rarely smiled. He worked too hard. If he wasn’t working, then he was fussing over her. It wasn’t healthy. But she knew better than to try and tell him that.

Reuben didn’t listen well. Plus, he thought it was his job to take care of her, not vice versa.

Stubborn man. She adored him, but sometimes she also wanted to shake him.

“Mini,” he said on a sigh.

“You look tired. Aren’t you sleeping?” His dark hair was up on end and there were bags under his eyes. She’d never seen him so rumpled and stressed.

“Are you in your playroom?” he asked instead of answering her.

She sighed. She knew that she was partly to blame for him not sharing any of his worries with her. She’d always be his baby sister. The person he had to protect and coddle. He tended to treat her like she was too young or delicate to burden with his concerns. It probably didn’t help that she was a Little.

“Yeah. We’re having a tea party.”

“Missy and Angelique being naughty?”

“Like always,” she replied. “Missy won’t drink her tea, and Angelique wants to eat all the cream cake and none of the sandwiches.”

She glanced down at her hand again. If he saw the injury, he’d freak. Especially as it was starting to blister. Not a good sign.

“And are you eating the sandwiches and cream cake?” he asked in a low voice.

Inwardly, she sighed. Being thousands of miles apart didn’t stop him from fussing over her or bossing her around.

Then again, she’d never told him to stop. The only time she’d ever gone against him was when he’d wanted her to move to Boston to live with him. Wishingbone was her home. Her safe place. She couldn’t leave. The anxiety attack she’d had at the idea of moving had been enough to convince him.

Of course, she’d had to give in to all his stipulations and rules, but he needed to feel like he was keeping her safe. And whatever he needed, she’d give him.

She’d give Reuben everything if she could.

“I’m fine.”

“I am well aware that’s not an answer, Mini,” he replied, glaring at her through the phone.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” She’d learned the art of deflection well.

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