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“You protest a lot for someone who isn’t into any of this. But what I really want to know is what you are into.”


“What’s in those books? Tell me. What gets you wet? What makes your insides shiver? What makes you all hot and bothered? And once you tell me what gets you going, I want you to tell me what you do when you need to come. Do you have a toy that you play with? Do you watch videos? Or just stick to your books?”

“W-what n-no! I can’t t-tell you that.”

“What are you into? What is in those books? What is it that you like?”

“Daddy Dom books,” she blurted out. She braced herself, ready for his disgust. For his confusion.

But all he did was give her a reassuring smile. “That’s my good girl. Thank you for telling me.”

“T-thank you?”

“Yes, thank you. I know it was hard. And I wasn’t going to push, but like I said, I think this will help you.”

“What will help me?”

“Me, Topping you. Me, making some of the decisions. Me, being your Daddy.”


She sucked in a breath. “So you’re saying that you’re . . . “

“A Daddy Dom? Yep. Sure am.”

She took in a shuddering breath. “Just because I like to read it doesn’t mean that I’ll like it in real life.”

“But do you want to find out what it’s like in real life? What it would be like to live out any fantasies you have? To have a Daddy? To give up all the worries and anxieties that come with being an adult and just have fun?

“I don’t think it’s possible,” she whispered.

“But you won’t know until you try, will you? You’ve just got to be brave.”

She bit her lip. “I shouldn’t . . . I mean, other people . . . isn’t it weak of me?”

“Okay, I think there were about three questions in there. You shouldn’t do it? Why shouldn’t you? Because you’re an FBI agent? All sorts of people can be Littles. Judges, lawyers, doctors, pilots, waitresses, teachers, mechanics, and anything in-between. You don’t have to be a certain way, have a certain job to be a Little. It’s just about what you want. What you desire.”

She’d never figured she’d meet a Daddy. And that Ed might be one. Although when she thought about it, he had all the qualities she liked to read about in a Daddy Dom. Authoritative. Protective. Sometimes stern but other times playful. Fair. Kind. But possessive and firm at the same time.

“Next part. What about what other people think? First of all, it’s no one’s business but ours what goes on behind closed doors, understand? You never want anyone to know, then they won’t know. And that includes everyone in this crazy town. Although you’d be surprised about who is in the lifestyle.”


“But that’s none of my business to tell you. But just know that you’re definitely not the only Little in town and I’m not the only Daddy Dom.”


“Now what was the last part? Are you weak? The sub always has control. They give their limits. Then it’s up to the Dom to decide how far to take things within those limits.”

“I don’t think all Doms play by the rules. What’s to make them stop at your limit?”

He nodded. “There are always going to be people like that. Doms and subs who don’t respect limits. Like there are always people who don’t respect the laws. You have to be careful who you trust. Submission needs to be given, not taken.”

“You smacked my bottom earlier.”

“Just a couple of soft smacks for attention. Is spanking a hard limit? If it is then I apologize and you can think of a way to punish me for stepping over your limit.”

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