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“Not yet. But you will be.”

While he made breakfast, she used the bathroom. When she returned to the bedroom, he was already there, setting a tray on the bedside table.

“I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

The smell of caffeine hit her and she sighed happily. Then a finger landed under her chin and he tilted her face up. “Food first. Then coffee. Am I understood?”

The stern note in his voice made her shiver in delight. But she tried to hide it behind a scowl. “I understand that you’re bossy.”

“When it comes to your health and safety, I am. So best you eat your breakfast, then have your one coffee. Call me if you need me. Shit, that reminds me. Turn on your phone.”

“Now?” She bit her lip.

He picked it up and handed it to her, waiting. “Fine.” She turned it on. It started to beep crazily. She hunched her shoulders.

“Jesus. Who has been trying to get hold of you? Is there some sort of emergency?”

“Not unless you consider my mother being batshit crazy an emergency.” She winced as she said that.

“Those are all from your mother?”

“Uh, yeah. And I need to reply before she activates the national guar

d,” she joked weakly.

“You sure you don’t need me to stick around?” Eight missed phone calls. Ten missed texts. Although none of the texts were from her mother. She didn’t believe in texting. Those were all from her brothers.

“Go. I’ll call her. She just worries a lot.”

He seemed unconvinced by that. “Okay. But call her after breakfast.”

Yes, boss.

“Now, give me my hug before I go. And a kiss.” He sat next to her and she blushed. Then she leaned in to hug him gently, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

“I think we can do better than that,” he murmured, grasping hold of her chin and pressing his lips to hers.

The kiss went straight to her head, making her feel dizzy. When he drew back, her heart was pounding. She placed her hand on her chest. “And you’re worried about caffeine being a stimulant.”

“Ahh, but kissing is one of the best kinds of stimulants.” Then he stood. “Make sure your phone is with you at all times.”

He walked towards the door then turned back, his gaze intent as he stared at her. “We haven’t talked about consequences, but you should know that I like to spank.”

Her eyes widened. Did he really just threaten to spank her?

That was . . . it was . . . sexy? Scary? Crazy? Intriguing?

She was starting to worry that she was going to get everything she’d ever wished for. And she had no idea if she could handle it.

Georgina had just finished pouring herself another cup of coffee when she heard the front door bang. Shoot! She hastily put the mug on the counter, miscalculating in her panic. The mug went crashing to the floor, shattering and splashing hot coffee over her feet.

“Ouch. Darn it!”

“Georgie? You okay? Where are you?”

To her surprise, it wasn’t Ed that called out. Seconds later, Kiesha appeared in the kitchen, a huge duffel bag over her shoulder. Her hair was braided and twisted into two buns and was wearing long, striped socks with a pair of cut-off shorts and an oversized sweater. How was she not cold?

“What happened? Are you okay?” Kiesha asked.

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