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He chuckled and removed her hand from her mouth. “There can be as much kissing as you like.”

She gave him a suspicious look. She was so freaking cute. “There’s a catch, right?”

“So suspicious.” He bopped her nose. “No catch.”

She studied him thoughtfully.

“You coming in with me?” he asked, even though it cost him. He wanted to just take charge, sweep her up in his arms and look after her.


Thank fuck.


You’re important to me.

Georgina didn’t know what was in the Kool-Aid he’d been drinking, but she wanted to buy cases of it and keep feeding it to him.

She really hadn’t been expecting to see him again. She figured she’d burned her bridges by running after that first kiss. Then sending him away from the hospital.

Yet, he’d come back fighting.

For her. He wanted her. It was going to take a while for that to sink in.

As he opened the truck door, she reached down to fumble with the seatbelt. “My hands aren’t working.”

“You’re trembling,” he said with a frown. “Are you cold? We need to get you inside and in front of the fire.”

She didn’t think it was the cold making her tremble. More like anticipation and nerves. And likely low blood sugar, since she hadn’t eaten much breakfast.

Reaching over her, he undid her belt. His scent surrounded her, instantly making her feel safe. He smelled woodsy. Manly.

His arm brushed against her breasts and her nipples hardened. She sucked in a breath. Did he do that on purpose?

She had no idea, but she kind of wished he’d do it again. Then he picked her up again, bridal style.

“I can walk,” she said dryly. “My legs aren’t injured.”

“I know. But I haven’t had my workout today. So you’d really be helping me out if you let me carry you everywhere.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “That was terrible.”

“Didn’t believe me? Well, you’re so light it wouldn’t be much of a workout anyway. We need to have a chat about that because I can tell you’ve lost weight.”

She tensed. “Not right now.”

He stared down at her for a moment then his face softened. “All right. Not right now. We’ll settle you in first.”

“Wait, my flowers!”

“I’ll get them and your discharge stuff soon,” he reassured her. “You need to get warm.”

He got to the door and then as if she really didn’t weigh a thing, he slid her around until she sat on one hip while he reached into his pocket for a key to unlock the door. He was holding her up by just one arm under her ass.

She felt tiny. And cherished. He stepped in, still carrying her like that. She wrapped her legs around his waist, to help keep her weight off his arm.

“You smell nice,” he told her.

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