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A glance down showed her that she was rubbing her tummy. Darn it.

“A little. Might just be hungry. The question?” She really needed to get away from him. Now.

“All right. But you should know, I want an honest answer. I know you’ve got a good poker face, but I’m also good at reading a lie. And if you lie, you’re going to be in trouble. Understand?”

What kind of trouble was he talking about? He’d yell at her? Freeze her out? Berate her?

“Why did you come to Wishingbone?”

She opened her mouth to answer.

“The real reason,” he added sternly.

Well, fudge.


He’d rather have this conversation inside.

With her tucked up

in his bed. Or curled up under a blanket on the couch. The fire roaring.

Under his roof. Under his protection.

Fuck. He’d never felt this possessive of anyone. To the point where if she decided to go back to the motel right now, he had a feeling he’d be sitting out in his truck, watching over her.

Stalker, much?

This was a bit disturbing. He’d never had an urge just to completely chuck the law out the window, throw her over his shoulder and keep her locked up in a room until she agreed to be his.

From now on, he was using bottled water for everything. He was starting to sound far too much like Loki.

He waited impatiently for her answer. She was turned towards him, but her eyes couldn’t seem to settle anywhere.

Then she licked her dry lips. He made a mental note to make sure she drank plenty. She might need some Chapstick, too.

“The case . . .”

“Nope,” he growled at her, making her eyes widen. He might have felt bad about making her nervous, but he had told her no lying. “No lying.”

“I did want to ask you about the case,” she insisted.

“Which, as I said, you could have done over the phone or email. And there would be no reason you would take a motel room for a week and travel for hours just to ask me about the case. So why are you here? See, I have an idea but you need to tell me.”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Georgina,” he said sternly. “Stop procrastinating and tell me.”

“I don’t want to.”

His heart softened. He heard the lost note in her voice. “I get that you’re scared of being hurt, Georgie-girl. But you came all this way. You came because of the kiss, didn’t you?”

She nodded and he cupped her face again.

“Because you felt this pull between us.”

“It was . . . it was the best thing to happen to me in years.” A tear fell down her cheek and he nearly broke. But he couldn’t break now. Not when he was so close to getting the truth from her.

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