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Yeah, he could have opened the back door instead. But where would the fun in that be? As he brushed back past her with his arm, he heard her breath catch.

She was definitely affected by him. It made his dick harden at the thought of hearing her breath catch like that as he sucked on her nipples. Or slid his tongue over her clit. Drove his fingers into her pu



Finally, he straightened up and looked over at Xavier. “Anything I need to know?” He glanced over as the door to the hospital opened and Kiesha walked out. “Shit. We got to go.”

“Everything is in the discharge papers,” Xavier said as he shut her door and rounded the front of the truck. “But call me if you need to know anything. Let me know if she has any issues. Night or day. Got me?”

“Got it. Thanks, man.”

“Go, I’ll talk to Kiesha.”

Brave man.

But as he pulled away, he noticed that rather than scowling at him or yelling after him, Kiesha was smiling.

Shit. That didn’t make him nervous at all.


What was happening right now?

Her mind was reeling. Had everyone really wanted her to come stay with them? Why? She barely knew them. And then Ed had swooped in and picked her up, carrying her out to his truck. She’d figured she wouldn’t see him again.

“You okay? You warm enough?” Ed asked as he cranked the heat up further. Then he reached over with his free hand and tugged the blanket up until it was right up under her chin.

“I’m fine. Thanks.” If anything, she was starting to feel overheated. “I can’t believe they all turned up, wanting to take me home.”

“Hmm, seems they’ve decided you’re one of them. You’ve been warned.”


“Yeah, they likely won’t leave you alone now. Once you’re theirs, you’re theirs for life. They’ll be all up in your business, you won’t have any privacy. They’re loud, stubborn, and insane. And you’ll never have better friends.”

Well, considering she’d never had friends there wasn’t much of a benchmark. Too bad she wasn’t sticking around. This place, crazy as it was, kind of grew on you.

“Thank you for picking me up. And for finding me the other night. I’m not sure that I said thank you.”

“That’s all right, you weren’t yourself.” He looked over at her. “You’re still looking too pale. Do you need to get some ‘scripts filled? I can go out after I’ve got you settled and get them for you.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary. Thanks. I’m not staying at the motel anymore.”

“I know.”

He did? How did he know that? Her mind was feeling a bit fuzzy and it took her a moment.

“Wait, where do you think I’m spending the night?” she asked as they pulled into a driveway surrounded by trees on both sides. Shoot, she should have been paying more attention. They were on the edge of the town. Nowhere near the motel where her stuff was. Where Squawkers was. She didn’t really want to spend another night apart from him.

“With me, of course.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Um, no, I’m not!”

Ed felt a strange sort of satisfaction as he drew up outside his house with Georgina. Yep, he’d made the right decision. He could see her here, sitting on one of the rockers he had on the back porch that looked out towards a small lake.

He sighed with satisfaction.

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