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Her brother. Okay, that made him feel better. He just hoped there wasn’t some reason why she seemed scared of calling him.

Georgina watched Ed leave the room.

She felt surprisingly bereft and alone.


Georgina felt bad now that she’d ignored Ed’s calls and everyone who had come to her motel room. She just hadn’t been up to talking to anyone.

But it didn’t explain why he’d slept for hours by her bed.

“If you want Ed, I can call him back.”

“What?” She startled and looked over at Xavier. She gave a shaky laugh. “No, why would I want him?”

Xavier gave her a firm look. “There’s nothing wrong with asking for help if you need it.”

“I don’t need help. I’m thirty-four years old, I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself.”

“Age doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with taking care of yourself.”

That was an odd statement. What did he mean?

“Even the most capable person sometimes needs a break, for someone just to take care of them for a while.”

“I think you’re mistaking the sort of relationship that the sheriff and I have, doctor,” she told him stiffly. “We’re just work colleagues.”

“It’s Xavier. And Ed’s a good guy. One of the best.”

She softened slightly. “I’m sure he is.” She knew he was. He hadn’t been cheating on Kiesha. In fact, he seemed very protective of her and her friends. And the fact that he’d come searching for her when he was off-duty also spoke to his professionalism.

“I don’t know of any work colleagues who would sit by my hospital bed for hours. Just saying.”

She narrowed her gaze at him. “I get your point.”

“Good, now let’s talk about your health. When Ed brought you in, you were unconscious. Your heart beat was erratic and too fast. We’ve been monitoring it all night and while it has slowed and become steadier, I would still like to run some further tests. Is there any history of heart conditions in your family?”

“No, I . . . I think it’s just due to stress.”

He studied her. “You’ve been under a lot of stress lately?”

“Well, I am an FBI agent,” she said dryly. Then she glanced away from him, hoping he couldn’t see more than she wanted him to. “But yeah, I’ve had a bit of stress lately.”

“You’ve been having heart palpitations?”

“When I feel stressed, sometimes my heart starts racing, and it will skip a beat.”

“You drink a lot of caffeine?”

“I think it’s the only thing keeping me going most days,” she joked.

He gave her a small smile. “I hear ya, however, caffeine can cause heart palpitations. That combined with stress could be the cause of your palpitations and elevated heart rate. You run a lot?”

“Yeah. And I’ve never collapsed before.”

“Gotten dizzy? Felt ill?”

“Um, yeah, a few times I guess,” she said guiltily.

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