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“Yes, the hospital.”

“Ed, no, please. I want to go home.”

He managed to sit her down on the seat and then grabbed a blanket from the back, wrapping it around her. Then he belted her in before grasping hold of her chin. “Yes, to the hospital. Xavier knows we’re coming in. If he says you can come home then you can. But you’re getting checked over. That’s non-negotiable.”

He ran his thumbs over her cheeks. “Fuck, you scared me, baby. You realize that you’re grounded until you’re fifty and even then, I don’t intend to let you out of my sight.”

“I’m s-sorry. I didn’t mean . . . “

“Hush. Hush. We can talk about that later. Right now, all that matters is making sure you’re all right. I’m here now, Georgie-girl. Just let go and let me take care of you.”

She let out another shuddering breath but nodded.

“Good girl. That’s my girl.”


Ed sat and watched her sleep.

Against her protests, she’d been admitted for the night. Xavier had wanted to monitor her overnight since it wasn’t long since she’d been released from the hospital. She was hooked up to an IV because she’d been dehydrated and was back on a heart monitor.

It was the early hours of the morning and he hadn’t slept all night. Just sat beside her, holding onto her hand and watching her breathe.

He’d nearly lost her.


This had to stop. Or she’d give him a heart attack. He didn’t know what the hell he could do to keep her any safer. Other than grounding her for forever.

The idea definitely had merit.

The door to her room opened and he looked over tiredly, expecting it to be a nurse. His eyebrows rose as Marcus and Evan James walked through the door.

Their gazes immediately went to their sister then to him. He raised a finger to his lips then he placed her hand down and stood. Leaning over her, he kissed her forehead gently before leaving the room. They were standing out in the corridor.

“How is she?” Marcus asked.

“She’s all right. Just bruised. Exhausted. Bit dehydrated. She should be fine to be released in a few hours. But she’s going to need some rest for a while.”

Evan’s jaw clenched. “Bastard’s in jail?”

“He’s being monitored in the hospital for the night as well since he was unconscious when he was brought in.” Jed had clearly gotten more than a few knocks in. Fucker could rot in hell for all he cared. Which is why he knew that he shouldn’t go near him. Because if he did, he was likely to wrap his hands around that bastard’s neck and not let up until the light went out of his eyes.

Ed had always been a protector. He’d always upheld the law. But all that went out the window when his woman was threatened.

“He’s been watching her for a while by the sounds of it,” Ed told them. He was furious with himself. How had he not known? He should have protected her better. “Leaving dead roses around. His little spin on his father using daisies when he stalked her.”

“Mother-fucker,” Marcus muttered.

“Bastard blamed her for his father’s death. Found some old diaries of his after his mother died and it flipped some sort of switch.”

Evan glowered. “What I wouldn’t give for a few minutes alone with him.”

“Get into line,” Ed muttered.

“Ahh, but you’re hindered by the law,” Marcus said with a grim smile. “We’re not.”

Ed shook his head with a sigh. “Stay away from him. Last thing she needs is you lot ending up in jail. She’s had enough stress.”

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