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The big guy swung at Gary, punching him so hard that Georgina winced. Gary went down with a thump, out cold. The big man grunted then turned his gaze to her.

Isa grabbed her arm. “Let’s go! Before Loki decides you’re his prize.”


Someone yelled something. Then there was an answering roar. Suddenly, a brawl was breaking out around them. Loki actually picked up a man up and threw him. Like he was a bowling ball.

Oh hell.

“Shit! Those are Gary’s friends fighting against Loki’s crew. Come on!” Isa pulled her up and they attempted to push their way through the crowd, which was hard when everyone was trying to move closer to the fight.

There were more noises of fighting. Shoot! That had escalated quickly.

“Loki’s Warriors destroy!” A loud roar broke out over the music and the other yells.

“What is happening?” she cried as someone shoved against her. The person grabbed her before she fell over and then lifted her up onto a table.

“Sorry, darling,” he said before quickly disappearing.

“Isa!” She reached down and grabbed the other woman’s hand, helping her get up onto the table with her.

“Shit! Fuckballs!” Isa stood on the table, peering out into the dance floor.

Well, what had once been a dance floor. Now it looked more like a WWE fight that had gotten out of control.

“Isa, get down before you fall.” She stood to grab the other woman, then froze, watching the brawl with an open mouth.

Holy. Hell.

Another roar sounded and she watched, wide-eyed as Loki stood up. He was missing his shirt, his tattoos on full display and he seemed to stand at least half a head taller than anyone else.

“This is insane! Gary’s goons are so going down. Loki’s Warriors will annihilate them.” Isa raised her fist into the air with a cheer.

What was she talking about? Georgina’s breaths were coming in sharp pants, adrenaline rushed through her. What was happening right now?

“Shouldn’t we do something?” she asked.

“What can we do?” Isa asked, grasping hold of her as someone bumped into the table. “Don’t worry. O’Ryan will take care of things.”

How could one man stop this? She liked Noah, she didn’t want to see him get hurt.

“Isa! Georgie!”

She looked over to see Kiesha trying to push her way through the crowd of onlookers to get to them.

“Kiesha, get somewhere safe!” she yelled at her.

She waved back, but kept making her way forward. Someone grabbed her, lifting her up on the table.

“Thanks, Frank! Isn’t this exciting?” she said as she wrapped her arms around Georgina and Isa’s waists. “There hasn’t been a Trivia Night this exciting since Loki’s Warriors did that strip tease.”

“Good times,” Isa agreed.

A loud bang made Georgina jump with a cry. She might have fallen to her knees if Kiesha wasn’t holding her up. Nausea bubbled in her stomach and her heart raced.

She was safe. She was fine. She needed to keep it together. This wasn’t the time to panic. She had friends to look after.

“Oh, man, O’Ryan already got out the air rifle,” Kiesha said. “Damn, that’s a shame. Things were just getting good.”

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