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Daisy, Daisy, I’m watching you.

Saber laughed maniacally, leaning over her, his hand over her mouth as he ran the knife down across her breast. She tried to scream. To yell for her brothers.

No. Not Saber. Him. Her stalker.

A noise. Someone was coming. Then the knife was stabbing deep.

She screamed in agony.

She awoke with a scream. Sweat coated her skin. Her breath was coming in erratic pants.

Sick. She was going to be sick. She raced towards the bathroom, not even noticing that she dropped Hugabug and Squawkers on the floor. Kneeling over the toilet, she vomited again and again. When she sat back, she felt like there were hundreds of ants racing over her skin.

She hugged herself, trying to calm her breathing.

Out. She needed out. She needed to run, to clear her head.

Not even thinking about the fact that she’d promised Ed she’d message him if she left or that it was getting late, she quickly put on some workout clothes and shoes.

She left the house, barely managing to work the alarm with her shaking fingers.

Then she ran.

Why wasn’t she answering her phone?

This felt too much like déjà vu for him. He’d just left court and tried to call her. She knew that he would check in regularly. He finished the call and then tried again. When that one went to voicemail as well, he decided to check the GPS tracker. She could just be in the bathroom or have gone outside without her phone. The tracker would tell him that she was safe at home.

But when he brought it up, he could see that she was at least two miles from home. He raced towards his truck, even as he used his phone to call Jace.

What the fuck was she doing?

She leaned over, trying to breathe. She’d run so fast that she had a stitch in her side. It didn’t help that it had been a while since she’d gone for a run. Ed didn’t like the idea of her running on her own and she didn’t like the treadmill.

Unfortunately, Ed wasn’t much of a runner.

Shoot. Ed. What was she doing? She started walking even though she just wanted to sit. But she knew if she stopped moving that she might not get back up again. Her muscles needed to cool down.

She was sweating, so hot that her cheeks were roasting and yet she shivered as a cold breeze ran over her.

Shoot. Why did she take off like that? What was she thinking? It was starting to grow dark. How long had she even been running for? An hour? Two?

Ed had to be out of court. He’d probably been calling her and she hadn’t even thought to bring her phone with her.

Shoot. Sugar. Fudgeballs.

She was in sooo much trouble when he got home. Her butt cheeks clenched reflexively. Now, if she could just work out where home was, she’d be a lot happier. She didn’t even know which direction she’d run in or what road this was. She was in the middle of nowhere, darkness was approaching and she was cold and thirsty. Plus, she hadn’t eaten since her morning snack.

Oh, she wasn’t going to sit for a week.

Well, she guessed the first thing she should do is turn around. As she turned and started walking back, she saw a big truck headed her way. The city girl in her told her to ignore it. But this was the country. And she could at least get some directions.

Before she could decide about whether to flag them down, the truck came to a stop. The engine was still running but nobody got out.

Well, that wasn’t creepy or anything. A funny feeling developed in her stomach.

She moved forward just as the door opened. A man who looked vaguely familiar got out. Had she met him before? Maybe she’d seen him in Wishingbone. He looked to be young, around eighteen.

“Hello,” he called out. “You all right?”

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