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“Fuck, baby. Fuck!” he yelled as he came in her ass.

She lay on the bed, panting. He was lying over her but was careful to keep most of his weight off her. Even after an explosive orgasm, he was still taking care of her. Making certain that she was safe.

“Damn, Georgie-girl. That was amazing.”

“I know. Now I can’t move. Just leave me here. If I need to use the bathroom, I’ll just roll.”

He laughed, then slid out of her ass. She whimpered.


“Just a little,” she admitted.

“I’ll run you a bath.”

“No, really. I wasn’t joking. I can’t move.”

He rose with a groan. Then he smacked her ass.

“Hey! Enough of that, Daddy!”

“I can never have enough of smacking your ass. I’m starting to think we should start every day with a spanking.”

“Yeah, that’s not happening.”

“I’d follow up with my head between your legs, eating you out,” he added.

“Hmm, okay that idea has merit.”

He laughed as he moved into the bathroom. “Thought you might see it that way.”

He disappeared and she closed her eyes. There was something niggling in her brain. But she couldn’t quite grasp hold of what was wrong. Then shrugging it off, she dozed as she waited for her bath to be ready. Maybe she could convince him to get in with her.


“I have a surprise for you, Georgie-girl.”

Georgie didn’t look away from her Lego pirate ship. Yesterday, she and Ed had spent most of the day building it. And she loved it.

“No time, Daddy. The pirates are just about to storm the ship and I have to fight them off. Prepare, First Mate Squawkers.”

“Really? So you wouldn’t like to go on a treasure hunt?”

She paused then looked up at him slowly. “A real treasure hunt?”

He nodded. It had only been two weeks since she’d been kidnapped. Tomorrow Ed had to go to court in Bozeman. She knew he wasn’t happy about leaving her, but he had no choice.

“A real one.”

“With a treasure map?” she asked suspiciously.

“Yes, with a treasure map.”

She stood up. Okay, now this sounded intriguing. “And X marks the spot?”

“Yes, but first you have to solve some clues to find the treasure map then you need to find where to dig.”

Excitement bubbled in her stomach. “And there’s actual treasure? Not, ‘surprise, here’s my penis for you to suck treasure’.”

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