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“Of course it doesn’t. I like it when you do those things. But not all day every day. You need to go back to work. I need to figure out what I want to do with my life. We need some normalcy back. Don’t let Saber steal that.”

“Normalcy, huh?” He gave her a heated look. Her clit throbbed. He hadn’t touched her in days. All of his touches had been gentle. So soft.

Well, she wasn’t breakable.

He turned off the stove. “You feel completely better?”


He froze. “What?”

“I have an ache. It’s deep inside. I think you’ll have to strip me, maybe even do an inspection.”

Whoa. Who was she and what had happened to the old Georgina James?

She was long gone. And it felt so good.

“Hmm, an inspection? I think that you’re right. After all, I need to make certain that you’re completely well. Strip.”

The order came so swiftly that she almost missed it. Considering she was just wearing his T-shirt and a pair of panties, it didn’t take long until she was naked. He strode towards her, only dressed in a pair of black pajama bottoms. His thick, cut chest was on display. A rippling six-pack, biceps so delicious that she wanted to take a bite out of them.

“Come here, my girl.” He grabbed her, turning her towards the counter then he lifted her so her top half was lying on it, her legs dangling down but not able to touch the floor. He ran his hand down her bare back then between her ass cheeks. She sucked in a breath. He still hadn’t taken her there. Would today be the day?

A shiver of anticipation moved through her at the thought.

“Stay right there,” he told her. “This inspection needs to be very thorough.”

The cold counter was a direct contrast to her heated skin. Her nipples were hard pebbles and she could already feel herself growing wet. When he returned, she tried to look back but he clicked his tongue. “No looking. In fact, I’ve got something to stop you from peeking. What’s your safeword?”

“Red,” she repeated.

“You’ll use it if you need to. Now, I’m going to blindfold you, if you feel panicky, you tell me immediately. Okay?”

“You won’t cuff me?”

“No, baby. I promise.”

She relaxed as he set the blindfold over her eyes. She lay there stiffly for a moment, waiting for the panic to hit her. But Ed ran his hand down her back and over her ass, again and again until she relaxed.

“Good, my girl?”

“Good,” she told him in a surprisingly relaxed voice. Okay, maybe she kind of liked not being able to see.

“Now, I won’t cuff you, but I want you to put your arms above your head and keep them there, understand?”


She moved her arms slowly. He kept up his caress, relaxing her even as arousal swam through her body, gaining momentum with each minute that passed.

“What a good girl you’re being. Now, I want you to stay nice and still for your inspection. I’m going to be very thorough.” He cupped her mound then ran a finger through her pussy lips and up through the crack of her ass.

Oh. Lord.

His finger disappeared then there was a squirting noise and he pushed her cheeks apart so he could slowly slide his finger deep into her ass.

“That’s it. That’s my girl. You love it when I play with your ass, don’t you?”

She couldn’t deny it.

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