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Saber had been denied bail

, thank goodness. And he was now being held in a high security prison. That made her breathe a lot easier. And she knew that was the reason her brothers felt like they could safely leave.

Saber had been high on coke when he was arrested, spouting off about someone being after him, trying to take him out like they took out his son. Once he’d come down off his high, he’d refused to say anything at all.

She’d mentioned to Ed what Marisol had said. She didn’t feel like she could keep it to herself. And while she’d quit her job, and was no longer an FBI agent, Ed was still an officer of the law.

He’d gone out to speak to Linc and Marisol personally. They’d told him that they thought Tiger had been taken by another gang and killed.

She thought they knew more than that and so did Ed. However, he didn’t press any further. And if he was happy, so was Georgina.

“So you’re really moving here permanently?” Sebastian asked. “With him?”

“I thought you guys liked Ed?” She looked around at them all.

August shrugged. “He’s okay.”

“No man is ever going to be good enough for our baby sister,” Gareth told her.

She felt closer to them all than she ever had. Sammy came back over and took their orders.

“You know, I like it here,” Marcus said, watching Sammy move around. “Maybe I could open a branch up here.”

“You? Live here?” August gave him a look of disbelief.

“Have any of you heard from Mother?” she asked.

Their faces all closed down and August was the one who looked over at her, meeting her gaze. “No. And I’m glad.”

“We’ve been drawing away from her for years,” Spencer said. “Trying to minimize the damage she inflicts on our lives.”

“But we should have done more to protect you,” Gareth told her.

“That has to stop,” Evan said darkly.

“Not hearing from her is a good thing,” Marcus said. “Long may it last.”

“But if she gives you any problems then you tell us,” Sebastian said. “Got me?”

She nodded, but she hoped she didn’t hear from her either.

“Hey, it’s Snow White and the seven dwarfs.” Kiesha rolled her way into the diner.

Georgie smiled over at her. “Hey, Kiesha.”

“Hey, bestie.”

“Seven dwarfs?” August scoffed. “We are hardly dwarfs. And there’s six of us.”

“Ed can be the seventh!”

“If I’m Snow White, wouldn’t he be the prince?” Georgie asked.

Kiesha screwed up her nose. “Ew, you’re right. And he’s definitely more of a toad.”

“Kiesha!” she protested.

“Gotta go! Ordered some takeout!” She turned to skate away and crashed right into a silver-haired, well-dressed man.

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