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“You’re in the back with me, FBI Agent James.”

Ed was going to flip his lid.


Georgina eyed the gun that Saber held. Could she make a play for it? Try to take it off him?

No. Too risky while they were driving. It could go off and hit Kiesha or Marisol.

He’d made them drop all of their bags on the ground before they’d climbed in. Saber could barely stay still. His head moved around, his whole body practically trembled. He had to be on drugs.

He looked thinner than he had in the photos she’d seen of him. And his clothes were grubby. He also stank, it quickly filled the cab of Marisol’s truck.

“Dude, if you’re going to kidnap people, you could at least shower first, you know,” Kiesha told him.

“Shut up, bitch! I don’t need you. If someone has to go first, it’s going to be you.” He swung the gun towards Kiesha, who was in the front passenger seat. She let out a squeak of terror that was echoed by Marisol.

Georgina tensed, ready to wrestle the gun away from Kiesha’s head.

“Where are we going, asshole?” she snapped.

He turned towards her, the gun now aimed at her stomach. That was much better. Her jaw unclenched slightly. A tension headache was starting to form. Ed was going to be pissed that she was getting stressed again after all his hard work to make her relax.

But she had good reason.

“You’re going where the fuck I tell you to go. You’re going to tell me where my son is.”

“I don’t know where Tiger is,” Georgina said calmly. “I thought he was with you.”

“Bullshit!” he roared and kicked his foot into the back of Marisol’s seat, making her cry out.

Kiesha gave the other woman a concerned glance as the truck swung across the road.

“Watch where you’re going, you stupid bitch! I should have known you would betray us! You and that stupid bitch aunt of yours! Fucking betraying me. Do you know what happens to people who double-cross me? They get a bullet to the head.”

“Hey! Asshole! She doesn’t know anything!” Georgina wanted his attention away from the two scared women in the front of the truck.

He turned back to her. “Watch your mouth, FBI bitch.”

“Your insults are so imaginative,” Kiesha said dryly.

His gun moved to her.

“Kiesha,” she warned. “Let me handle this.”

“Nobody is handling anything! Someone is going to get me answers about where my son is or you’re all going to die.”

“Why are you back now?” she asked. “It’s been months. And he hasn’t reappeared.”

If Tiger wasn’t hiding out with his father, she figured that meant he was dead. But she wasn’t going to point that out to the lunatic holding a gun on them.

Something occurred to her. Those few times she’d had a feeling of being watched, had it been him? But would he have been watching her?

“I thought you would have gone back to Texas. Don’t you have ties to the Devil’s Kings?” she asked.

“Shut the fuck up,” he snarled. “Up here on the right, traitor.” He kicked at Marisol’s seat again. The truck swerved across the road. “Learn to fucking drive, you cunt!”

Marisol whimpered.

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