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When they reached Aunt Marie, she read out the total. Georgina grabbed out her wallet.

“What are you doing?” Ed rumbled, taking her purse from her hand.

“Hey, I need to pay for this.”

“Yeah, that’s not happening.”

“What?” She gaped up at him.

His forehead was furrowed as he stared down at her. “You’re not paying.”

“This stuff is for me, so yeah, I am.”

“Oh, this should be interesting.” Aunt Marie watched on.

Shoot. She forgot they had an audience.

“Ed, please give me my purse.”

“Not happening. You’re not paying. When you’re out with me, my girl, I pay.”

“But this isn’t stopping for an ice cream, Ed. This is hundreds of dollars of stuff. For me.”

“For us. And I’m paying. So put your hand down right now.”

“No.” She glared at him stubbornly. But the look on his face told her he wouldn’t budge. “Fine. I can be reasonable. We’ll go halves.”

“Go. Halves.” He was staring at her like she spoke another language.

“Yes. Halves. That’s the only thing to do.”

“Do you hear what I’m hearing?” he said to Aunt Marie. “Has she lost her mind?”

“Now, dear, you’re forgetting that she’s from the city. Most men aren’t gloriously old-fashioned like they are here.”

Ed sighed. “You’re right. I need to be patient.”

“Um, I’m standing right here. And this has nothing to do with me being from the city.”

Aunt Marie and Ed shared a look.

“Here’s the thing, Georgie-girl,” Ed told her calmly. “I’m an old-fashioned guy. So when you’re out with me, I open up doors. I help you in and out of my truck. I walk on the outside of the sidewalk. I hold your hand when we’re crossing roads. I carry things. I fill up the gas tank. I drive. And when you want something, I pay.”

“That’s . . . that’s . . . “

Aunt Marie sent her a warning look. “Think about it, honey. Before you speak. Think about how a man doing those things for you would make you feel. Would make him feel. Ed’s a dominant guy. But he doesn’t push it on people. Sure, he can make mistakes. We all do. None of us are perfect. I don’t know anything about your relationship, but I’ve known him since he was a boy. He’s protective, selfless, caring, and a good man. You’ve got a good man wanting to do good things for you.”

She was right. She was so right.

“It just feels like I’m taking without giving. Everything you do for me, I feel like I’m just a burden sucking you dry.”

“Fuck, Georgina. No, how can you think that?”

“I have so many issues. What can I even do for you that someone else couldn’t do, and do it better?”

“You listen to me, Georgina Catherine, I don’t want anyone else. I want you. So what if you have some issues? You don’t think everyone does? And you do not suck me dry. You think that just anyone could put up with me? I’m demanding, controlling. I have to be needed. You could be with a man who was a hell of a lot easier than me. Do you want that?”

“No.” She threw herself into his arms. He hugged her tight.

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