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“Big Daddy! Look at this! Can I please have it?”

It hadn’t taken her as long as he’d thought it was to get into the swing of things.

“I’m still not sure about that nickname,” he grumbled.

She turned to him, holding a plastic sword in her hand. “But Big Daddy, you are big. All over.” She ran her gaze down him, lingering on his dick.

Lord help him.

“Fine, brat. You can call me Big Daddy.” He pointed a finger at her. “But don’t you dare tell Kiesha that’s what you call me.”

She just grinned. “Can we get this? Oh, we’ll need two though. So we can have sword fights.”

“I don’t know about that. You could fall over and—”

“I know, I know, hit my head.” She rolled her eyes and let out a huge, over-exaggerated sigh.

Drawing her close, he put his foot up on one of the shelves and tipped her over his leg.

“Daddy!” she screeched.

“Was that attitude you were just giving me, little girl?” he growled. He smacked his hand down on her bottom.

“Daddy, no, put me down.”

After several more smacks, he set her back down. She scowled at him, while rubbing her behind. He just grinned because he knew he hadn’t hit her that hard.

“Daddy, not nice.” She wiggled her finger at him. “I won’t buy you a pirate sword if you’re going to be mean.”

He snorted. “You best watch that sassy mouth before you end up in the corner while I continue shopping. And if I’m doing the shopping, then I’m buying some extra-large butt plugs.”

Her mouth dropped open then she smiled sweetly. “Why, Big Daddy, I have no idea what you mean. I is a good girl. But please, can we get these?”

“Of course we can, anything for my girl.” He put two swords in the trolley.

Yay! She was so lucky to have such a nice Daddy. Even if he did like to spank a bit too much. They turned into another aisle and he picked up something that had her coming to a sharp stop and putting her hands over her butt.

“Nuh-uh, Daddy. You can’t get that.”

“Xavier said they’re the best sort of thermometer,” he murmured, reading the back of the package that held a rectal thermometer.

Urgh. Not happening.

“You are not putting that in my butt.”

“Georgie-girl, this is far smaller than the plugs you’ve had in your butt.”

“Yeah, but, I just know I don’t want that in my bottom.” She pointed at the horrible thing. Not. Happening.

“Tough. We’re getting one. And if you keep acting up, I’ll start to think you’re getting ill. I’m sure Aunt Marie won’t mind if I test your temperature right now.”

Oh, he wouldn’t.

He crossed his wide arms over his chest and stared down at her.

“Fine. But if you lose it, you can’t buy another one.”

He looked confused for a moment then gave her the ‘Ed look’. “If that thermometer goes missing, then I will buy another one. And I’ll also redden a certain little brat’s bottom.”

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