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“I’m worried about more than just that, but yes, those things too,” Noah told them all. “When you’re drunk, you can make bad decisions.”

That was a good point. Georgina worried at her lip. What was she thinking, getting drunk? Anyone could use her inebriated state to take advantage of her. Or her friends. She had to protect them too.

“Noah is a wise man,” she stated.

He gave her a surprised look then grinned. “There you are, listen to Georgie.”

Hmm, seemed like her nickname was taking off. She liked that.

“Jesus, don’t encourage him!” Cleo told her with a scowl.

“Nobody is going to bother us here,” Kiesha argued. “This is the safest place in the world.”

Noah gave her a firm look. “Nowhere is completely safe.”

Georgina nodded. She knew that all too well. There was nowhere that she could be completely safe. Except in Ed’s arms. Then she’d felt safe. But he was a lying liar pants.

“Drink, ladies. And Cleo is giving you all a ride home, right? There will be no drinking and skating, hear me, Kiesha?”

“You do that one time and it’s all you hear about,” Kiesha muttered.

“Yeah, well, I heard from Jonny Jacks today that you were following his truck along the road, yelling obscenities at him.”

Kiesha’s eyes narrowed. “Jonny Jacks is my sworn enemy. Death to him and all his family. Except for his mother, brothers, cousins, aunts, and uncles. He can kiss my ass.”

Whoa. She really didn’t like Jonny Jacks.

“Just put that ass in Cleo’s car at the end of the night,” Noah said, pointing his finger at them all. “Cleo, you need help, let me know.”

“I got this, O’Ryan,” Cleo stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I know you do, darling, but I’m always here to help you.” He grabbed her chin and kissed her. Georgina sighed. That was so sweet.

Cleo was frowning when he left, but Georgina saw her check out his ass.

Definitely true love.

“So, Georgie, tell us, do James’s dance?” Isa asked.

“Certainly not,” she replied primly.

“Wanna dance?” Kiesha asked.


She’d never danced like this before. Stiff, formal dances at her mother’s affairs were nothing like this. This dancing was sweaty and dirty. It was crowded and hot and chaotic. Normally, those were things she avoided like the plague.

But this was so much fun.

Throwing her arms up in the air, she wriggled her ass back and forth, moving to the beat. She’d never realized how amazing she could feel. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, the company, or the dancing, but she’d never felt so alive.

Too bad that by the end of the night all of these wonderful women were going to hate her. They were all so loyal to each other. When they learned what she’d done with Ed . . . she didn’t want to do it. She didn’t want to tell them and ruin this.

But if he wasn’t going to man up, then she would.

“What’s wrong?” Kiesha yelled.

“What?” she screamed back. The dance floor was packed.

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