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“Georgie-girl, not much you can do to prepare yourself for a spanking. You just need to relax and be a good girl until it’s over.”

Relax and be a good girl? Was he crazy? How could she relax?

“Ow!” she cried out as he gave her two more smacks.

“I see you have no trouble crying out when you’re being spanked.”

“I wouldn’t know, this is my first!”

“Your first spanking?” he asked.

He rubbed her bottom. Okay, that was nice.

“Yeah. My parents didn’t spank me. My brothers threatened to, but never went through with it. Other than those few smacks you’ve given me, I’ve never had one.”

“If I’d known that I wouldn’t have made your first one a punishment spanking.”

Meaning he would have given her a pleasurable one? Her clit throbbed at the thought. She’d always been turned on by the idea of being spanked. She would search out books with spanking in them. Watch favorite TV episodes over and over which showed spanking scenes, even though they’d never really gone far enough for her.

“Not that this is much of a punishment at the moment. The last six are going to be firm and quick.” Without another word, he gave her the last six. They were so quick, she barely had time to catch her breath. And when she finally managed to take a gasp of air, it came out in a loud cry.

“Ow! Daddy! No, stop!” She kicked out with her legs, but he held her hips firmly.

“Already done, my girl. It’s all over.” He turned her and picked her up in his arms. She wrapped herself around his body, uncaring that her ass was on display. No doubt it was bright red. It felt like it was on fire.

She sobbed, even though she wasn’t actually crying. It had only been ten after all. Still, she felt the need to make some noise. She couldn’t let him get away with thinking he’d been too easy on her.

He rubbed her back, not seeming to notice her weight as he held her.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ll never sit again,” she said dramatically, throwing her head back to frown up at him. “Daddy, you spank too hard.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Actually, Daddy spanks just right. And I have a feeling you’ll sit just fine.” He set her down then turned her and pulled up her panties then did up the onesie. Okay, it hadn’t been as bad as she’d thought.

“Now, Daddy is going to go to the gym for a bit before we go out. Do you want to watch some TV or go into your fort?”

“I want to go for a run,” she stated.

“No running.”

Her mouth dropped open. “But you’re going to workout. Why can’t I?”

“Because you’re still recovering from being in the hospital. Xavier said no running for a week, remember?”

But she didn’t think he actually meant it. “Doctors say stuff like that all the time,” she complained as she stood beside the counter and watched as he drank the rest of his awful concoction. “It’s just a guideline. And they always overestimate. Like, when they say to stay in bed for a week, they really mean three days. It’s the same thing here.”

“No, when Xavier says a week. He means a week. And you’ll be waiting at least that long, plus that cut on your foot is still healing.”

She huffed out a breath. Then she picked up Squawkers. Hmm, she’d already gotten into trouble for her bratty mouth. But surely Squawkers couldn’t. She held him up to her ear, pretending that he was talking to her. “Squawkers thinks that’s silly.”

“Hmm, Squawkers has a sassy pants mouth this morning too, does he?”

“Yep. Squawkers reckons I’ll be fine to go running.”

“Well, until Squawkers gets a medical degree, I won’t be taking his medical advice.”

She gasped. “Daddy! Squawkers said he doesn’t like your attitude and that he’ll poop in your shoe.”

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