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“Why haven’t you fucked me?” Her gasp was comical as she slammed her hand over her mouth. “IcantbelieveIsaidthat.”

Her voice was muffled behind her hand, the words running together. Reaching over, he tapped her hand. “Off.”

His voice was firm, although his gaze was soft. And filled with heat.

She removed her hand. “Sorry.”

“For what? Telling me what the problem is?”

“No, well, maybe. But for swearing. I never swear.”

“It wasn’t used as a swear word,” he pointed out. “And I’m not going to punish you for swearing.”

Ed walked around the counter towards her. He turned her to face him, moving between her parted legs. Then he tilted up her chin. “I’ll fuck you when it’s time. Anticipation never killed anyone.”

“There’s anticipation and there’s torture,” she grumbled. “I don’t understand why you’re holding back.”

He rubbed the tension from her jaw with his thumbs before running one over her lower lip. She opened her mouth and he slid it in. She sucked, instantly feeling better. It was weird, but she actually liked this.

“A lot has happened in the last few days. And it’s happened quickly. There’s been a lot for you to come to terms with. Truth is, I didn’t even plan to let you near my cock, but I couldn’t resist this sassy mouth yesterday. The las

t thing I want is for you to think this is just about sex. It’s not.”

“I don’t think that,” she said around his thumb. Is that why he’d been holding back? “That’s really kind of sweet.”

“Sex is a big part of a relationship. But so is trust. Care. Affection. You’ve been through a lot. You were just in the hospital a few days ago. And I can be demanding during sex. I want you healthy and certain in our relationship before we take that step.” He drew his thumb free from her mouth.

“Okay, I get why you’ve held back from sex, but you haven’t held back from giving me orgasms. Until this morning.”

“Did my girl need to come this morning?”


“Then why didn’t you ask for what you needed?”

“I . . . I . . . I had to ask? You didn’t just know?”

“I’m not always a mind-reader.”

“You’re not?” she asked doubtfully. It seemed that way to her. “You couldn’t see what I wanted?”

His lips twitched. “Okay, I could tell what you wanted. But I was waiting for you to ask for what you need. Next time, it might be something else and I won’t notice. Remember, you’re usually pretty good at hiding your true thoughts. Well, except when you’re horny.”


He cupped her face with his hands. “You can ask me for what you need, Georgie-girl.”

“Wait! Are you saying this was a damn lesson? You-you rat-faced, pig-bum-licker!” That made her so mad. She didn’t need a lesson in asking for what she needed.

Don’t you? Look at how well you’ve done this morning. You wanted something, didn’t ask for it and now you just called Ed a rat-faced, pig-bum-licker.

“You want to repeat that?” he asked in a quiet voice.

“No, I think I’m good.”

“You think so, huh?” He lifted her off the stool then turned her so she was on her stomach on the kitchen counter, her legs hanging off the edge.

Oh, this was not a good position for her to be in.

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