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“Like what?”

“No cupcakes for a month for a start.”

She gasped, placing her hand on her chest. “That’s terrible. Cruel and unusual punishment.”

Leaning in, he kissed her lips. “Then you best make sure you keep your promises.”

“I always try to.”

“Lie back, I’ll get you dressed.”

She figured there was little point in arguing. Lying on her back, she knew she was blushing like crazy as he parted the towel then he slipped her panties up her legs.

“You really do have the prettiest, most delicious pussy.” He patted her mound affectionately.

Her face went bright red. “Oh Lord. The things you say.”

He had no shame. She carried enough shame for the two of them. What would it be like to just say what she thought without second-guessing it all the time?

Isn’t that what you’ve been doing? Blurting out what you’ve been thinking?

Holy. Heck. It was a revelation. She didn’t overthink everything with him. Because she didn’t have to.


“You make me feel safe,” she told him suddenly.

His face softened. “I’ll always protect you.”

“Not just physically. I know I still overthink things, but it’s nothing like what I usually do. And I don’t have to guard myself around you. I don’t overanalyze everything that I do or say. It’s freeing.”

“Fuck. That’s the fucking hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He leaned over her and kissed her. Hard. Hot.

“You’re a strange man, Ed Granger.” She grinned at him. “And I’m coming to realize that I like strange things.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “Damn, baby, you’re in the right town if you like strange things.”

“This might just be the best little town in the world.”

“Eh, we attempted to get that title. But then Aunt Marie did a naked dance against giving things labels and the judging panel disqualified u


“Your aunt did a naked dance?”

“She’s not my aunt. She’s the town’s aunt. We all call her that. You’ll meet her eventually. If she’s naked, just keep your gaze at eye level. It’s rude to stare.”

“I . . . I . . . don’t even know what to say.”

He just grunted.

“We need to get you some more clothes. Definitely some more of these cute onesies. And you need something comfy to wear around the house. No offense, but the rest of your clothes are awful.”

“No offense taken.” They were awful. They were boring and drab and nothing that she wanted to be anymore. “Is there somewhere we could go close by?”

“Yep, I know just the place. But maybe tomorrow. This will work for today and I want you to rest some more. We also need to talk about the rules and you could have some Little time, if you’d like that.”

“I think I would.” She was starting to feel a bit more relaxed and at ease. Still nervous, but she guessed that was to be expected.

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