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He let out a chuckle. “Turn and put your hands on the shower wall.” He stood behind her and washed her breasts, cupping them, rubbing his palms over her nipples.

“Ed?” she asked.

“Yeah, my girl?”

Darn, she loved when he called her that.

“Do you think differently of me now?” She held her breath as she waited for his answer. He moved his hands lower, one of them sliding

over her scar before he rubbed his hands over her butt cheeks.


She stiffened.

“I think you’re even more special than I realized. More precious. I’m damn proud to know you. I’m even more honored that you trust me, that you’ve opened up to me, let me in.” He wrapped his arms around her. “And I won’t ever betray that.”

And she was sure that was officially the moment that Sheriff Ed Granger owned her heart.


“Wait here,” he commanded then he left the bedroom. He’d dried them both before wrapping her in a fresh towel and carrying her out here.

She should remind him that her foot was fine and she could walk.

When he returned, he held something that made her go bright red. “I knew you’d find that.”

He studied her onesie. “Well, I did do all your washing. This is cute. But you need more like it. And it seems you like the color black when it comes to panties.”

He laid the onesie and her black cotton panties on the bed.

She groaned. “They came in a pack of twenty. I don’t have a lot of patience for shopping. And it’s not like anyone sees them.”

Or they hadn’t before now.

Maybe she should make more of an effort. “I should probably get some more things, if I’m staying?” She still felt a bit unsure of this. What if he suddenly decided he didn’t want her? What if she didn’t live up to his expectations?

Suddenly, he grasped hold of her hand, running his finger over her palm. A shiver ran through her.

“Hmm, I still like smacking your bottom better.”

She forced herself to glare at him, even as he continued to lightly circle the palm of her hand. She swore she could feel that in her clit.

“You can’t just go around smacking my bottom whenever you like,” she told him primly.

“Can’t I?” He grinned at her.

“Ed! That sort of behavior is not acceptable in front of other people.”

He leaned in. “Maybe you’ve just been hanging out with the wrong sort of people.”

Sugar balls. Maybe he was right.

“I want your full attention on me. Eyes.” He pointed two fingers at his eyes. She scrunched up her nose but stared into his eyes. “I want you to stay. I want it more than anything. Granger men fall hard. And fast. My father saw my mother, and within a week they were engaged. Maybe it should be me worrying that you’ll leave. Not the other way around.”

Was he insane? Her leave him?

He cupped her face, his thumbs massaging her jaw where it had gone tight.

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