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She opened her mouth to speak but he just shook his head. “No talking right now. When I put something in your mouth, I don’t want you to talk until I take it out. Unless you want to safeword out. In which case, you hold your thumb down, understand? I won’t bind your hands while there is something in your mouth.”

She nodded her understanding.

“That’s my good girl,” he reassured her.

She sucked at his thumb, surprised by how good it felt. It should have been weird, right? Because it was weird. Then again, she had to stop thinking of things as normal or weird.

They just were what they were.

Her needs were her own. His were his own. They just happened to complement each other. And it wasn’t like they were hurting anyone.

He moved his other hand down and slapped her ass.

“Yes, I do like this method for getting you out of your own head,” he murmured, rubbing her ass. “This is what’s going to happen. We’re going to get up and take a shower together.”

She stiffened.

“I know you’re nervous about me seeing your scar. Maybe about being naked in front of me. But I promise once you see my naked body, that will be all you can think about.”

She gaped up at him, forgetting to suck.

Another slap to the ass! Shoot! That one was hard.

“You’re not doing what you’re supposed to be. Suck.”

Why was he getting her to suck? It was hard to suck, think, and listen to him all at the same time.


Clever Ed. Smart Daddy.

“Such a naughty little girl,” he scolded, landing another slap on her ass. “Pay attention to Daddy or we’ll be here all day.

She frowned. Was he being serious about her losing all her other thoughts when she saw him naked? Then she noticed he was grinning.

Was he teasing her? Well, maybe it was time to teach him a little lesson. Let’s see how well he did, paying attention while she had hold of something else. Reaching down, she grasped hold of his erection. Holy. Sugar. Balls. He was big. Far bigger than Rex.

“Uh-uh, hand off my cock, my girl.”

She pouted. Why couldn’t she touch him?

“Sometimes you’ll be able to touch me as much as you like. But that isn’t right now. And I expect you to ask permission before touching my cock.”

That was crap. She glared up at him. He chuckled. “Oh, if you could see the fire in your eyes. Don’t like having to ask permission, do you? But that’s what a good little girl does.” He gently removed her hand. “As good as that feels, I don’t want to come from a hand job right now.”

Well, she wasn’t sure she’d been going to go that far.

Weren’t you?

She rather liked the idea of bringing him to pleasure. Of having him at her mercy. Oh. Maybe that was why he didn’t want her touching him without permission.

This would take some getting used to.

“I know I can be strict,” he told her. “But I think you need it. You said it yourself that you pushed boundaries with Rex to get a reaction. And didn’t receive the reaction you wanted. I can promise you, push boundaries with me and you will end up with a hot ass.”

She shivered.

“Yeah. You need firm lines and consequences. You also need cuddles and kisses and affection. To know that you’re cared for. Precious. I’m going to give you all of that, Georgie-girl. My girl.”

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