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A clap of thunder suddenly made her gasp.

“Wondered when that would hit. You scared of thunder?”

She could use that as an excuse for why she kept fidgeting. But she felt like she was already keeping enough secrets. “No, I’m all right with thunder as long as it’s not dark.” That was a big thing for her to admit. Letting someone else know she had a weakness . . . that wasn’t something a James did.

“What’s something a James doesn’t do?” he asked.

Crap. She’d said that out loud?

He shifted her so her back was against his firm stomach. She held herself stiffly. What did she do? Should she lean against him?

He made the decision for her, wrapping his arms around her and tugging her into him. “Relax,” he whispered to her. “I’m not going to bite.”



“Urgh, I’ll tell you what a James doesn’t do, and that’s blurt out everything they’re thinking!”

His chest moved as he laughed. Unfortunately, that didn’t help her stomach calm.

“I think it’s cute. Helps me know what you’re thinking. Although that wasn’t what you were talking about, was it?”

“I’m letting you know about all of my weaknesses,” she complained.

“And why do you think that is?”

“Because I seem to have a filter issue when it comes to you? Maybe you’ve done some special voodoo on me that makes me tell you my every thought.”

He leaned in and lightly bit her ear. A shiver ran through her. “There it is. Special voodoo.”

He laughed.

“And I thought you said you didn’t bite?” she asked.

“I only bite when I think you might like it. Now, were you ever going to tell me that your tummy hurts?”

“Urgh, I thought I was hiding it well.”

“Yeah, honey, you totally weren’t. What’s the matter?”

“Think I ate too much. Or maybe it was the chocolate. I don’t know.”

“Shit. Should have thought of that. What can I do to help? What do you need? A heat pad? Some club soda?”

“It’s fine.” She blushed at his fussing. She’d figured he’d just shrug it off and leave her to deal with it. “I’m—”

He reached around and placed his hand over her mouth. “If you say you’re fine, I’m going to have to do something drastic.”

He removed his hand.

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. Maybe every time you say the word fine, I’ll have to tickle you. I could make you kiss me, but then you’d just do it more.”

She turned to gape at him.

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