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“No, not me.” She shook her head but her eyes twinkled. Leaning down, he kissed her lightly.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are, yet?”

“Only about a thousand times. But I could hear it again.”

“Most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen. You look like a princess, only better.”

“Better?” she asked.

“Yeah. Better. Because you’re my princess.”

* * *

Fatigue was weighing her down as they parked outside the house. They were due to leave in the morning to drive to Bozeman then catch a flight out to Houston.

She couldn’t wait. Two whole weeks with her new husband. He held onto her hand firmly as they climbed the steps. When they reached the top, he swept her up into his arms.

“Clint!” she squealed.

“Isn’t this tradition?” he asked as he shuffled her weight around so he could open the front door. “Carrying the bride over the threshold?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, knowing nothing she said would get him to put her down. And besides, she didn’t actually want him to.

He pushed the door shut. It locked automatically behind them. He stopped by the alarm pad so she could turn it on then he swiftly made his way up the stairs to their bedroom.

When they reached the bed, he sat then lay back with her sprawled on top of him.

She giggled. “Tired?”

“Exhausted.” He closed his eyes. She moved so she was straddling him, her big skirt billowing around them.

“I guess I’ll have to take care of you tonight, then.”

He opened one eye, peering up at her. “Yeah?”


He’d taken off his jacket when they were dancing. He must have left it somewhere as she hadn’t seen it since. She slowly undid the buttons on his waistcoat. She didn’t know how long he would let her take control, since Clint was a dominant guy. But she was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

Once his waistcoat was open, she started in on his shirt, slowly revealing his perfect chest. Leaning down, she licked at his nipple.

“Baby,” he groaned.

“Thank you for the most perfect wedding, Mr. Jensen.”

“You did most of it, Mrs. Jensen.”

“But you took over when I couldn’t finish it. I mean it, Clint. It was everything I had ever dreamed of and more.”

“I’m glad.” He gave her a soft smile. Then he sat up and deposited her on her feet. “Now, turn around so we can get this dress off. I want to see my baby.”

She grinned. And there he was. Her bossy man. Her protective Daddy. Her husband.

His hands damn near shook as he undid the ties of her corset. Christ, whoever made this dress must be having a laugh, thinking about how hard it was going to be to get the bride out of it.

Eventually, he had it loose enough that it slid to the floor. Now all she was dressed in was a pair of panties. He turned her with light pressure on her hips.

“No bra?”

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