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But she was going insane here. There were five days to go until her wedding. They’d had to postpone her bridal shower until tomorrow evening. The spa attendant who had been going to do their nails and facials at the spa had agreed to come out to the ranch after she was finished work for the day, which was awfully nice of her.

She’d be sure to give her a big tip.

When Charlie thought the bed looked as good as it was going to get, she quickly made her way over to the bedroom door. She crossed her fingers, hoping that Clint wouldn’t storm up the stairs asking her what the hell she was doing. But as she eased the door open and leaned out, she didn’t hear a thing.

She paused at the top of the stairs.

What if her phone was in his office? Shoot. That would make the most sense. Drat. She was an idiot. She sighed. What should she do?

The sensible thing would be to go back to bed.

Maybe she’d check the kitchen anyway. There was a junk drawer there that he could have popped it into. She moved down the stairs slowly, listening for any creaks and made her way into the kitchen. She pulled open the drawer, searching around in it.

Drat. Not here.

With a sigh, she slid it shut.

“Didn’t find what you were looking for?”

With a squeal she turned, her hand going to her chest. “Clint! You scared me!”

He leaned against the doorway; his arms crossed over his chest. “What are you doing in the kitchen, Charlotte?”


She attempted an innocent look, pressing her toe to the floor and twisting it around. She pushed out her bottom lip.

“I got hungry?”

“Was that a question or an answer?”

She sighed. She knew she wouldn’t get away with lying. “I’m bored. I’m feeling so much better. I want to help with the wedding planning.”

“Is that so?”

“Please, Clint. It’s my wedding. I want to help.”

He frowned. “You’re still supposed to be resting. And not stressing.”

“I’ll stress more not knowing what’s going on. I don’t actually have to do anything. If you just told me what’s happening, I’d feel much better.”

He didn’t say anything, but he seemed to be thinking about it. Which was actually more than she’d hoped for since she’d thought he would dismiss it out of hand.

“All right. I’ll start keeping you updated. Starting after the bridal shower tomorrow.”

Okay, she could handle that.

“Thanks, Clint.”

“But.” He wiggled his finger at her. Uh-oh, there was a but. “You’re still too pale. The bridal shower is enough excitement for now. You start to get stressed, you stop sleeping or eating and you’re back to radio silence.”

She nodded eagerly. “Does that mean I’m not grounded after tomorrow?”

He frowned. “We’ll need to talk to Doc about that.”

“But he said I can come off bed rest tomorrow. And I’m bored out of my mind. Can’t I please have my phone back?”

“Oh, you mean the one you were in here looking for when you’re meant to be taking a nap?”

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