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Reaching in again, she pulled out a small hand-held game. One where you had to press the buttons to get the balls in the hippo’s mouth.

The next item was a flat, fluffy unicorn that had a weird-feeling tummy. She looked at Clint in confusion as he walked back into the bedroom.

“It’s a heat pack,” he explained, opening up the back and pulling out a pouch. “You take this part out and heat it then put it back in the unicorn and you can hug it.”

That was genius.

“Will you heat that up for me, Daddy?”

“Sure thing, baby. I’ll do that in a moment. Let’s get this stuff on your chest first.” He sat on the bed behind her, leaning back against the headboard. She rested against him, her back to his chest. He opened the vapo-rub and scooped a bit out then pulled her nightgown away from her chest, to rub it gently on her skin.

She sighed with pleasure as he massaged it in.

“How does that feel, little darling?” he asked in a low murmur.

“Great, Daddy. Thank you.”

He kissed the top of her head before slipping out from behind her to go wash his hands. She attempted to blow her nose again. She knew she had to look a fright. She probably had a bright red nose and no doubt her hair was in a state. But she didn’t much care right then.

She drew out the next item. A pack of go-fish cards with pictures of mermaids on them. “Will you play this with me, Daddy?” she asked as he returned.

“After your nap, I will. I’m just going to go warm up your heat pack. I’ll be back soon.”

Nap, schmack.

But she sighed, knowing she wouldn’t get out of it. As he left, she explored the rest of the box. There was also a pack of clay and a soft, fluffy blanket. The last item was the best, though. It was a toy medical kit. Complete with stethoscope, thermometer, injector, tongue depressor, a tool to che

ck reflexes and a blood pressure cuff complete with the thing that you squeezed to puff it up. She didn’t know what that was called but it looked like fun.

When Clint came back in with her heat pack, she showed him the kit.

“Daddy, I can check to make sure you’re not sick.”

Clint eyed the medical kit warily. Like it might bite him. He put the pouch back into the unicorn and handed it to her. She held it against her chest. It was quite nice to cuddle.

“Please, Daddy.”

“All right,” he said reluctantly. “Let’s put this all away. You can examine me, then it will be time for a nap.”

“Okay, Daddy,” she said. She packed everything away. Then patted the bed. “Lie down, Daddy.”

He lay on his back. She picked up the stethoscope. Then she unbuttoned his shirt to listen to his heart.

She pretended to listen as he breathed. “Sounds good, Daddy. You still got a heart.”

“Good to know.”

She grabbed the tongue depressor. “Please sit up, open your mouth and say ahh.”

He sat, facing her and opened his mouth. She stuck the depressor on his tongue. He pulled his head back, choking slightly. “Watch where you’re putting that, little darling.”

“Whoops. Sorry, Daddy.” She was more careful this time. “Hmm, your throat seems a bit red. We need to take your temperature. Take your pants off and lie down on your tummy.”

She held the thermometer up with a grin.

He just chuckled and shook his head. “Nice try, Doctor Darling, but that is going nowhere near my ass.”

She pouted. “We could use the real one.”

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